RSIS International

Analysis of the Influence of Employee Salaries, Job Stability, Job Enrichment on Employee Commitment with Job Satisfaction as Mediation

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue VI, June 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Analysis of the Influence of Employee Salaries, Job Stability, Job Enrichment on Employee Commitment with Job Satisfaction as Mediation

Muhammad Donal Mon, Herianto Wiranata
Universitas Internasional Batam (UIB), Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This study aims to examine the effect of employee salary, job stability, and job enrichment on employee commitment to the manufacturing industry in Batam with job satisfaction as mediation. The object of research is employees who work in manufacturing companies in the city of Batam. The sampling technique used random sampling by using questionnaires for data collection by distributing questionnaires directly and partly through google forms, because not all companies and employees can be found directly during this pandemic. The data that has been collected was tested using Smart PLS version 3.0 to test the validity of the reliability and hypothesis testing. The results showed that job stability and job enrichment had no positive and significant effect on employee satisfaction, while salary, job stability and job enrichment and job satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on employee commitment. In the mediation test, job enrichment does not have a positive effect on work commitment with job satisfaction as mediation.The results of this study are expected to be input for business actors in manufacturing companies which are widely available in Batam. Several limitations and recommendations for future research were also included in this study.

Keywords: Salary, Stability, Enrichment, Satisfaction, Commitment.


Batam City, which is located in the Riau Archipelago province, is one of the places or cities that support the country’s economy. The development of the industrial sector in the city of Batam is very fast because it is supported by the availability of facilities and supporting facilities. Batam is a gateway for imports and exports because of its proximity to foreign countries such as Singapore and Malaysia. The central government and local governments pay attention to the manufacturing industry sector in Batam because this sector can make the economy or income increase so that it can compete fairly with neighboring countries with good and healthy criteria. In this industrial competition, development and improvement are carried out so that the manufacturing sector makes the economy strong enough