Assessment of Utilization of Educational Facilities on Junior Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics in Kwara State, Nigeria

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue XII, December 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

Assessment of Utilization of Educational Facilities on Junior Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics in Kwara State, Nigeria

Obia Eniang-Esien PhD1, Eyong Emmanuel Ikpi PhD2, Egim Joyce Ekpo3

IJRISS Call for paper

1Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education Cross River University of Technology, Calabar Cross River State, Nigeria
2&3Department of Educational Foundations and Childhood Education, Faculty of Education Cross River University of Technology, Calabar Cross River State, Nigeria

Abstract: – This study investigates Assessment of Utilization of Educational Facilities on junior secondary school students’ academic achievement in Mathematics in Kwara State, Nigeria. To give direction to the study, three research questions and hypotheses were posed. The study adopted the ex-post facto design with a population of six thousand four hundred and ten (6,410) respondents drawn from 15 schools drawn from the sixteen Local government areas in the three geopolitical zone in Kwara state A questionnaire developed by the researchers titled “Utilization of Educational Facilities Questionnaire (UEFQ) was used for the study. The second instrument was Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) The instrument consisted twenty one (21) objective test questions on Mathematics, based on junior secondary one, two and three (JSS 2 & 3) syllabus. construct validity of the instruments were established by three experts, one in measurement and evaluation and two in Mathematics education and Educational Management respectively from University of Calabar and Kwara State university respectively and the reliability was established with Cronbach alpha reliability index which ranged from .70 to .86 respectively. The data gathered were analyzed with one-way Analysis of Variance (One-way ANOVA). The major findings revealed that most of the secondary schools in North, Central and Southern Kwara. Also it was found that schools that have these facilities poorly utilize even the available ones and these contributed to the students’ poor academic achievement in Mathematics. It was recommended that: Government, in collaboration with the school management, should make fund available for procuring modern electronic instructional resources to complement the conventional non print resources.

Keywords: Assessment, Utilization, Educational Facilities, Academic Achievement Mathematics.