Improving Upon the Teaching of Addition of Two – Three Digit Numbers in Basic Three Using Multi-Base Blocks (Dienes Blocks)

Submission Deadline-12th July 2024
June 2024 Issue : Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now
Submission Deadline-20th July 2024
Special Issue of Education: Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue III, March 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Improving Upon the Teaching of Addition of Two – Three Digit Numbers in Basic Three Using Multi-Base Blocks (Dienes Blocks)

Adu-Poku. Federick1 and Osei Yaw2
1Mathematics Tutor, Mathematics and ICT Education Department, St. Louis College of Education, Kumasi
2Mathematics Tutor and Development Studies Practitioner, Mathematics and ICT Education Department, Tamale College of Education, Tamale, Ghana

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: – The study examined the causes of pupils’ difficulties in solving problem involving two – three digit numbers involving addition in basic three class and its implication on teaching and learning of mathematics. The action research design was adopted since it was a classroom problem and need immediate attention. The population consisted of Basic school pupils. In all, twenty-seven (27) pupils consisting of thirteen (13) girls and fourteen (14) boys were purposively selected for the study. Test and interview were used to collect data. The findings revealed that lack of interest by pupils, knowledge of subject matter by teachers, pupils’ readiness and others affect pupils’ performance. The researchers concluded that Multi- base Blocks is effective in enhancing pupils’ interest in the subject. It is recommended that mathematics teachers should use appropriate teaching resources in teaching the topic. This will enhance pupils understanding of concepts and make teaching and learning more practicable.

Keywords: Addition of two – three digit numbers, teaching and learning materials, mathematics, classroom and Education


Background to the Study

Development in all aspects of life is based on the efficient and effective use of knowledge of Science, Mathematics and Technology. Our daily lives in the home and workplaces are characterized by problems which require knowledge in mathematics to help solve them.Moreover, in the history of education, Mathematics as a subject, occupies a learning position amongst the curricular disciplines in the upbringing of a child. It is against this background that educational systems of countries that are more concerned about their development, put great deal of emphasis on the study of Mathematics.