RSIS International

Impact of Socio-Cultural Factors on Senior Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Physics

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue VIII, August 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

Impact of Socio-Cultural Factors on Senior Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Physics

Hakeem Akintoye1, Jimoh Saliu2
1Department of Science and Technology Education, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos State, Nigeria
2Department of Language, Art and Social Science Department, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos State, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This study examined the impact of socio-cultural factors on the achievement in physics. Descriptive survey research designs were adopted. The sample for the study consisted of one hundred and seventy-one students who were selected from three intact co-educational senior secondary school physics classes. Two research questions raised for investigation alongside one corresponding null hypothesis were answered and tested respectively. Two Instruments: Physics Achievement Test (PAT) and Student Socio-cultural factors on Achievement Questionnaire (SSAQ) were used to collect data for the study. The Physics Achievement Test had a reliability coefficient of the achievement test was 0.87 using spilt-half method while that of the questionnaire was 0.91 using the Cronbach alpha method. using the Mean, Standard deviation, bar graph and Analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical tools. The data collected were analysed using the Mean, Standard deviation, bar graph and Analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical tools. Findings in this study revealed that of all the socio-cultural factors considered in this study which include sex, student attitude, parental educational background and peer group, parental educational background had the highest impact on students achievement. Also, the study revealed that there was significant impact between socio-cultural factors and students’ achievement in physics; F (5,123) = 2.676, p < 0.05. The study concluded that socio-cultural factors such as sex, student attitude, parental educational background and peer group impact on student achievement in physics. should be considered by physics teachers when teaching the subject. It was recommended that physics teachers endeavour to address students socio-cultural challenges in order to enhance students achievement and interest in physics.

Keywords – Peer group, Achievement, Culture, Socio-cultural factors, Student attitude


Scientific and technological breakthrough is usually the goal of any developing nations like Nigeria. Physics, one of the science subjects remains fundamental in the significantly technological development of the world at large. In spite of the importance of physics, there are many observable problems plaguing the teaching and learning of the subject, especially at the secondary school level. Students’ views about the subject influence their understanding and learning of the subject (Redish, 1994).