Relationship between School Connectedness and Secondary School Students’ Academic Outcomes in English Language in Anambra State, Nigeria
November 11, 2020 -
Changes in Attitude towards Intimate Partner Violence among Ever Married Women in Nigeria: Evidence from Repeated Cross-Sectional Nationally Representative Surveys
November 11, 2020 -
The Implications of Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations on the Financial Autonomy of Local Governments in Admawa State, Nigeria
November 11, 2020 -
Diagnostic Assessment on availability and Utilisation of water Resources: A case study of Kisumu County and 20km adjacent area
November 11, 2020 -
Analysis of Sustainable Agricultural-Based Land Management on the Slope of Lawu Mountain in Indonesia
November 11, 2020 -
Inventory Fraud and Financial Reporting: A Review of Literature
November 11, 2020 -
Determinant Factors to Decision to Adopt Pro-Vitamin a Cassava Varieties by Farmers in Abia State of Nigeria
November 11, 2020 -
Comparative of crime victim survey report with the police report on Crime patterns, and trends in Gboko Town, Benue State, Nigeria
November 11, 2020 -
Laboratory Management in Improving School Quality (Case Study at SMA Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung)
November 11, 2020 -
Alcohol Consumption and Its Effects on the Health of Young Adults – Windhoek, Namibia
November 11, 2020