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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue XII, December 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

A Study on Stress in Public and Private Sector Bank Employees in West Bengal

Sudip Basu1, Dr. Sumati Ray2, Dr. K.C.Paul3

IJRISS Call for paper

1Research Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Vidyasagar University, Paschim Medinipur, India
2Professor, Department of Human Resource Management, IISWBM, Kolkata, India
3Professor & HOD, School of Economics & Commerce, Adamas University, India

Abstract:-Today in public and private sector banks the working stress of the employees is becoming heavier, especially in the private sector banks. It has been noticed that in banking sector the managerial level employees are too much busy with their job in the office (desk job) as well as outside the office (field job). Stress is also created because of nuclear family, so he or she has to perform both the family and organizational responsibilities, thus facing imbalance in family and work life. This paper aims to identify the stress in public and private sector bank employees in India. From the several reviews maximum researchers have concluded that significant numbers of bank employees are having stress on work especially from private sector banks but in recent days we have seen that this working stress is injected into public sector bank employees also. This paper is having Indian experience with reference to West Bengal State on comparison of stress between Public and private bank employees. In this paper discussions are made on various secondary data like research papers, articles, website, and journals.

Key Words: Organizational Commitment, Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks, Sources of stress, Work–family conflict, Job Satisfaction, Coping Strategies.


Stress can be defined as incompatibility between supply of individual capability and demand from the work environment. Hans Selye (1956) defined Stress “as any external events or internal drive which threatens to upset the organism equilibrium”. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) wrote in 1999, “work stress as being the harmful and emotional responses that occur when the requirement of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker”. Stress results from confronting an opportunity, constraint or demand, when the expected outcome is important and uncertain (Robbins and Sanghi, 2006).