Adaptations of Swamp Rice Farmers to the Effects of Climate Change in Ndop Sub-divison, Cameroon

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VIII, Issue I, January 2021 | ISSN 2321–2705

Adaptations of Swamp Rice Farmers to the Effects of Climate Change in Ndop Sub-divison, Cameroon

Nkiene Valery1, Kiming Ignatius2, Chop Leonard3, Karba Juliet4 , Ndum Albert5
1,2,3,4 Department of Geography, University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon
5Department of International Development, Madison University, USA

IJRISS Call for paper


Abstract: Farmers in the rain-fed agriculture in equatorial regions are highly exposed to the adverse effects of climate change due to complete reliance on rainfall which has become unpredictable. Planned and spontaneous adaptation in such conditions becomes crucial to remain in farming in climate change regime. In the rural settings of the less-developed areas, farmers mostly adapt to risks posed by climate change individually. The present study investigates different adaptation strategies of farmers using cross-sectional data collected from Ndop sub-division of the Ngoketunjia division in the North West region of Cameroon. The study examines the role of socio-economic characteristics of farmers on adaptation to climate change. Plant level, farm level and farmers level of adaptations were examined and barriers to adoption of effective adaptation strategies. Data collected through questionnaire and direct field observation were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages and mean distribution. Data was collected from 200 respondents through stratified random sampling. Plant level, farm level and farmer’s level of adaptation were assessed to be inefficient to mitigate the effects of climate variability and reduce vulnerability of swamp rice production in this sub division. This is especially at the level of traditional farms. Adaptation strategies are therefore ineffective as yields of 6 tons per hectare have never been attained. Adopting the NERICA specie, converting traditional fields into developed fields, increasing farmer’s awareness on the effects of climate change and strengthening the agricultural extension service of the UNVDA amongst others will increase resilience and improve on production hence increasing rice yields.

Keywords: Adaptation, Climate Change, Rice Production, Ndop sub-division