RSIS International

Advances in Physical Performances of UPE/ESOA Partially Bio-nanocomposites Reinforced with Graphene Nanoplatelets

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume II, Issue VIII, October 2017 | ISSN 2454-6194

Advances in Physical Performances of UPE/ESOA Partially Bio-nanocomposites Reinforced with Graphene Nanoplatelets

Shivkumari Panda1, Dibakar Behera2, Prasant Rath3, Tapan Kumar Bastia4

IJRISS Call for paper

   1,2,3,4 School of Applied Sciences (Chemistry), KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 751024, India

Corresponding Author: Shivkumari Panda

Abstract: – This paper reports successful fabrication and study of various properties of a unique blend based nanocomposite containing Unsaturated polyester (UPE) /Epoxidized soybean oil Acrylate (ESOA) resin(80:20w/w) with varying content of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) as the reinforcing filler. The composite was prepared by a novel technique with the use of a high intensity ultrasonicator and then hot press casting method. Three different specimens of UPE/ESOA nanocomposites were fabricated with addition of 1, 3 and 5 wt% of GNPs. 3wt% nanofiller loading showed superior essential characteristics and after that the properties reduced may be due to the nucleating tendency of the nanofiller particles. UPE/ESOA reinforced with GNPs resulted in an enhancement of properties. Also the XRD pattern showed the compatibility of the GNPs by introducing a peak around 270 in the nanocomposites. FTIR spectroscopy and SEM Properties are also in agreement with the compatibility. Nanocomposite with 3wt% GNPs also showed remarkable enhancement in mechanical, dynamic mechanical, thermal and electrical properties with successful enhancement in Tg corroborated from DSC analysis owing to the homogeneous distribution of nanofiller in the blend. So by introduction of a small quantity of graphene nanoplatelets endow the new class of multiphase nanocomposites with inimitable structure and unexpected broaden applicability.

Keywords:- UPE/ESOA blend, partially bio-nanocomposite, GNPs, XRD, Tg.


Carbon the 6th element in the periodic tables has always remained a fascinating material to the researcher and technologist. Diamond, graphite, fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and now newly discovered graphene are the most studied allotropes of the carbon family [1] .Graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) are the advanced type of reinforcing filler materials with improved characteristics and high applicability. Producing high-purity and large amounts of GNPs has a high cost. Again the issues associated to their stability during the process of fabricating nano composite materials, researchers have recommended for using them in a pristine state, i.e., not to be handled as a functional group [2].

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