RSIS International

Afirmation of Political Parties Enhances Women’s Participation (A Study in Serang District)

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue VI, June 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

Afirmation of Political Parties Enhances Women’s Participation (A Study in Serang District)

Maulana Suprihatin Sam1, Asnawi2
1Management Department, Bina Bangsa University, Indonesia
2Law Department, Bina Bangsa University, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: – The purpose of this study is to find out how the affirmative action of political parties in encouraging women’s political participation in Serang Regency. This study uses descriptive qualitative research with data collection procedures in the form of interviews, observation and documentation. Data validation techniques used are source triangulation techniques in the form of person and paper. The results show that the efforts made by political parties of Serang Regency in building women’s political participation include, 1) parties taking an internal/personal approach; 2) programmatic, structured and continuous development of the political model of female cadres; 3) hold meetings at times that are possible to be attended by female cadres and times that are not too preoccupied with household needs.

Keywords: Political Affirmations, Political Parties, Political Participation


Efforts to bring about democratic governance require an inclusive political environment and a responsive political process for all parties including women [6;19]. The acceptance of women’s perspectives and participation in politics are prerequisites for democratic development and the contribution of good governance. Women’s involvement in the public sphere in addition to being able to represent the interests of women in parliament, their existence is also expected to be able to change the dynamics of gender in the parliamentary chamber [6]. High rates of maternal and infant mortality, cases of stunting in children, reproductive health in women, work protection for women workers (TKW) are some of the public problems that require women’s touch in formulating public policies by taking into account the perspective of gender equality and justice [4].
Therefore, the proportion of women MPs will however have a large influence on political debate, both in the governance structure and in policy makers, both in parliament and within the political parties themselves. But in practical political realities, the disparity in the positions and roles of men and women as part of gender issues in the public sphere continues to be public discussion. The UNDP report in 2011 for example mentioned that at the global level the role of women was still sidelined from the institutional structure that determined political and legislative priorities. The proportion of female heads of state and government is still lower and fell by 5 percent in 2011 [9].