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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

Analysis of Profitability and Constraints of Maize Production in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria

Ayodele, J.T., Ijah, A.A., Ishola, B.F. and Yahaya, U.F.
Federal College of Forestry Mechanization, Afaka, Kaduna State, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract : This study analyse the profitability and constraints of maize production in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State. Structured questionnaire was used to generate primary data for the study. Descriptive statistics, Net farm income analysis, and profitability ratios were employed in the analysis. Results revealed that majority of the respondents (99 %) were relatively young and fell within the active age (21 – 60 years). Male respondents dominated maize production at 87 % and majorities (81%) of the farmers were married. Results further revealed that significant (71%) number of the respondents had below 11 inhabitants in their households. Educationally, 51 % of respondents had post primary education. The net farm income per hectare was N74,606.40 and gross income of N132,000.00 were obtained per hectare of maize cultivated with a return on capital invested determined at 0.57 implying that for every naira invested, the farmers makes 57 kobo (N0.57)and the gross ratio was calculated at 0.47 indicating that total farm costs was about 47% of the gross income which shows that maize production is a viable, beneficial and profitable enterprise in the study area. Major constraints faced by the farmers were poor transportation, high cost of hired labour, lack of extension services and inadequate supply of agrochemicals and fertilizer, incidence of pests and diseases infestation plus inadequate capital and credit facilities. Despite these constraints, the farmers were still able to made profit. Therefore, maize production could be one of the poverty alleviating enterprise in the study area. It is recommended that: credit facilities should be provided so that farmers can have fund to purchase farm inputs such as fertilizer, pesticides and insectices to combat problem of pests and diseases infestation identified, improve varieties of maize should be developed and made available to the farmers so that their yield can be improved and farmers should form themselves into cooperative society so that they can pool their resources together in getting adequate funds to finance maize production activities.

Keywords: Profitability; groundnut; production; Constraints; Kaduna State.


According to Bernard (2003) the use of costs and returns analysis as basis for profitability evaluation possesses some limitations which are: (i) It is location bound and the applicability is specific due to use of money as the common unit of measurement and the prevailing price of the estimates and (ii) It does not show the relative importance of each of the resources in production. Despite these limitations, costs and returns analysis has been widely used in research studies.

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