RSIS International

Analysis of the Implementation of Planning, Budgeting and Reporting (SIMRAL) Information Systems on Acceleration of Regional Development in West Pakpak Regency

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue X, October 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Analysis of the Implementation of Planning, Budgeting and Reporting (SIMRAL) Information Systems on Acceleration of Regional Development in West Pakpak Regency

Anna Suriaty Manik1, Tarmizi2, AgusPurwoko3
1,2,3Department of Regional and Rural Development Planning, University of Sumatera Utara, North Sumatra, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:- This study aims to analyze the effect of the Planning, Budgeting, and Reporting Management Information System (SIMRAL) on the acceleration of regional development in Pakpak Barat Regency. The research was conducted in West Pakpak Regency, North Sumatra Province on the Analysis of the Implementation of SIMRAL on the Acceleration of Regional Development in West Pakpak Regency. The method of analysis used in this research is multiple regression analysis methods using 112 respondents. The implementation of the SIMRAL with the dimensions of human resources, infrastructure, institutions and budgets, and IT services has a positive and significant impact on the acceleration of regional development in West Pakpak Regency. This can be explained that before the existence of SIMRAL, the annual Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) of Pakpak Barat Regency was passed in February and activities started running on average in April. After the existence of SIMRAL, it shows that the legalization process and activities planned in the APBD will run on time and according to schedule, namely implemented in February, so that the acceleration of development can be carried out by the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) and the Regional Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPD) of Regional Districts.

Keywords: SIMRAL, Acceleration of Regional Development

1. Introduction
Given the importance of a regional development planning information system, the West Pakpak Regency Government already has SIMRALs which are regulated in West Pakpak Regent Regulation Number 35 of 2017 concerning Implementation of Planning Management Information System Applications. Online Budgeting and Reporting in the Government of West Pakpak Regency (https: //simral.pakpakBarat or what is commonly known as e-planning as a means of processing electronic data, carrying out material collection and preparation of technical guidelines and instructions, and evaluation implementation of regional government affairs.

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