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Attitudes of Non-Muslims on Islamic Financial Institutions: A Study based on Sungawila Area in Sri Lanka

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue XII, December 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Attitudes of Non-Muslims on Islamic Financial Institutions: A Study based on Sungawila Area in Sri Lanka

S. Safrin1 & Mohamed Haniffa Mohamed Nairoos2

IJRISS Call for paper

1BA (Hons) in Islamic Banking & Finance, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
2Senior Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, FIA, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka

Abstract: – Islamic financial institutions initially established to full-filled for the needs of not only Muslims but also non-Muslims. The number of non-Muslims involved in Islamic financial institutions is increasing. The institutions desirous of entering into this nascent field in Sri Lanka are required to know the aspirations and motivations of non-Muslims with respect to interest-free Financial Services. The main objective of this research is to identify the attitudes of non-Muslims on Islamic Financial Institutions a study based on Sungawila area. For this purpose, a representative sample of 150 respondents is surveyed with the help of a structured questionnaire developed for this purpose. The data for this study was analyzed using SPSS 20.0 multiple statistical adapted to confirm the theoretical evidence. We also attempt to measures the knowledge, intention to use and demographic factors regarding Islamic financial institutions as well as the factors which influence non-Muslims of Sungawila area in Islamic financing. The finding of the research shows majority of the non-Muslims are not expected to view Islamic Financial Institutions are only for Muslims’ obligations on other hand they are less aware about Islamic financial concept, product, services and features. Further most of the non-Muslims are expected to see should open up more branches and facilities of Islamic Financial Institutions. It is recommended that Islamic financial institutions should open up more branches and facilities and Lack of understanding about Islamic financial institutions products and services thus they should advertise among non-Muslims.

Key words: Attitudes, Islamic financial institutions, Non-Muslims, Sungawila Area.


Islamic finance has distinctive characteristics because its foundation is based on Shariah principles and rules of Islamic law. Islamic banking system is an important element of Islamic finance.

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