International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume IV, Issue XII, December 2017 | ISSN 2321–2705
Automatic Road Surveillance To Implement Vehicle Traffic Rule
[1] T.Joby Titus, [2] V.S.Sanjana Devi, [3] B.Saranya, [4] M.Pravin
[1,4] Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) ,
[2,3] Assistant Professor
[1,3,4] Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore-10
[2] Dept of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
[2]Sri Krishna College of Technology
Abstract—In fast developing country, there are many trauma happened of losing its people for unwanted cause. The vehicle speed is the main factor for accidents in four way lanes. In order to monitor the traffic violations we have proposed a novel automated road surveillance in which the speed of a vehicle can be calculated using the time to cross the particular area. The violation of vehicle speed is informed to the driver and vehicle owner through message. If the speed of vehicle is greater than the limited at the second level then a geared DC motor with an automatic speed breaker is activated. To identify the exact vehicle a fixed RFID reader is used in elevated speed breaker to read the RFID tag fixed in vehicle bottom by the time of crossing the breaker. Then using this ID the details of vehicle are taken from the server and the information is provided to traffic control room to impose vehicle fine. A separate path clearance is provided for ambulance vehicle by enabling the upcoming traffic light control line. This method of implementing traffic rule will eliminate the human corruption and violation of traffic rule.
Keywords:- CC3200 Controller, IOT, GSM communication, RFID reader
The rapid growth of city populations directly affects the ability of countries to reduce road traffic in order to improve the quality of life of their citizens. Caring for the needs of a rapidly growing urban population is a major challenge for countries trying to create more sustainable cities. According to worldwide estimates published in 2014, there were a total of approximately 1.1 billion cars on the planet, since some estimates predict that by 2035 the number of cars will reach close 2 billion. The excessive use of road vehicles not only harms both the environment but also affects the quality of life and the economy of the population. The phenomenon of traffic congestion is present in most developed cities. The loss of prolonged time commuting and working hours also has a strong impact on the productivity of businesses and the overall economy. Annually, the trafficgenerated economic losses amounts to over 1.5 billion dollars, or 1% Mexico City’s contribution to the country’s GDP, a very significant figure for a developing country.By 2020, it is estimated there will be more than 20 billion devices involved in the Internet of Things, in large part due to the expansion of the world’s telecommunications infrastructure, a figure 30% higher than the items/devices that currently exist.