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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume IX, Issue II, February 2022 | ISSN 2321–2705

Challenges associated with the Teaching of Civic Education in Social Studies Lessons in Schools in Masaiti district: A Hermeneutic Perspective.

Setwin Mutau Mufalo1*, Gistered Muleya2, Francis Simui3
1Mishikishi Secondary School, Masaiti, Zambia
2,3Institute of Distance Education, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The article explores challenges associated with the teaching of Civic Education in Social Studies lessons at junior secondary school. An interpretive study was conducted which employed hermeneutic phenomenological approach. The sample size for the study was 12 comprising 2 females and 10 males drawn from the Ministry of Education district office and selected primary and secondary schools. All the participants were selected using homogenous purposive sampling. The data that was generated through semi structured interviews, observation schedules and document analysis was thematically analysed. The study established that there were many challenges associated with the teaching of Civic Education through Social Studies lessons. Some of them were shortage of qualified Civic Education teachers, a dearth of teaching/learning materials such as textbooks and computers. Also, substandard textbooks, shortage of desks, inadequate contact time and low literacy levels among learners among others. Based on the above highlighted challenges, the study recommended that Ministry of Education should employ adequate qualified Civic Education teachers. It was also recommended that Ministry of Education should allocate adequate funds to schools for the procurement of teaching/learning materials as well as enhancing field studies in order for learners to supplement on theories learnt in the classroom environment. Further, it was recommended that Ministry of Education should build and procure more school infrastructure.
Keywords: Challenges, Civic Education, Social Studies, Teaching
The government of the Republic of Zambia through the Ministry of Education carried out a curriculum review in 2013 in a bid to enhance the delivery of quality education. Arising from this reform, Civic Education was integrated into Social Studies at junior secondary school. Therefore, this article explores challenges associated with the teaching of Civic Education in Social Studies lessons at junior secondary school.
Challenges associated with the teaching of Civic Education in schools
In Asia, Gurkan and Doganay (2020) conducted their research in three secondary schools in the Sahinbey district of Gaziantep, Turkey. This was in a bid to examine factors affecting Citizenship Education according to perceptions and experiences of secondary school teachers. It was established that both teachers and learners were affected because the curriculum was constantly updated. This posed a challenge to teachers in terms of preparations and teaching while creating a sense of competition among learners as well as encouraging egocentric thinking and test anxiety (Gurkan and Doganay, 2020). Additionally, the study revealed that Civic Education had limited time which negatively affected the subject in terms of delivery because teachers were not able to complete the syllabus on time. Further, it was discovered that the content of subject was bulky which also contributed to teachers not able to finish the syllabus on time. One may conclude that constant curriculum reforms coupled with limited time and bulkiness of the subject not only affect subject delivery but also learner acquisition of expected Civic Education profile dimensions and academic performance. Therefore,