RSIS International

Challenges Teachers of English Face in Teaching Reading Phonic and Sight Words

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

Challenges Teachers of English Face in Teaching Reading Phonic and Sight Words

Sheila Mulenga Mubanga1, Betty Pungwa Musenge2, 3, Phillip Mubanga4
1Minstry of General Education, Lusaka, Zambia
2Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ), Lusaka, Zambia
3Local Government and Housing, Lusaka, Zambia
4Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority, (TEVETA), Lusaka, Zambia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: -The teaching of English in countries where English is not the first language (L1) poses a challengeto both teachers and learners, especially if they are second language (L2) speakers. The matter is further complicated when English is the recognized main official language of the country. This means that at one stage, all learners in the country have tostart learning English at one point to acquire the official language, which ata certainstage of education becomes the official medium of instruction in all learning institutions.
The study investigated and focuses on the challenges teachers faced in the process of teaching reading Phonic and Sight words to fourth grade learners in the selected primary schools of Lusaka district in Zambia. In order to gather reliable information qualitative and quantitative data were collected from teachers and fourthgrade learners through survey, interviews and observation. A questionnaire was administered to 100 learners who had just completed their fourth grade and another questionnaire to 20 fourth grade teachers in five primary schools. Class observations were done and interviews were conducted with the school administrators. Quantitative data was analysedthrough the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), while the thematic approach was used to analyse qualitative data.
The findings of the study indicated that some children absconded themselves in the early days of their first grade (grade one) where early reading was introduced hence failed to cope up with reading Phonic and Sight words. The other challenge was over enrolment of pupils in the schools in the early grades because the government schools were few in the area hence teachers failed to pay attention to learners with learning dificulties due to the highpupil toteacher ratios. The other finding from the study was that there was shortage of appropriate quality teaching and learning materials for early grade reading in the primary schools of Lusaka district.
The study recommended that the Ministry of General Education should provide more school places by building more schools to reduce the high pupil to teacher ratio; and also ensure that adequate appropriate teaching and learning materials are supplied in schools and that the school administrators should engage parents in most of the school activities so that the problem of absenteeism among learners in the early grades can be addressed.

Key Words: Reading Phonic, Sight Words, Teaching English, First Language (L1), Second Language (L2), Received Pronounciation (RP)