International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume V, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
*Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, P.M.B. 5047, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Abstract: The study was designed to determine the effect of guided inquiry teaching strategy on students’ academic achievement in Chemistry. To this end three research questions which were transformed into three hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted the quasi experimental design of the pre-test post-test nonequivalent control group design. One hundred year two undergraduate students of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education and Rivers State University were randomly selected and assigned into two groups; fifty students for the experimental group (guided inquiry group) and the other fifty students for the control group (discussion group). After four weeks of the teaching of the twelve principles of Green Chemistry such as waste preventions, atom economic, less hazardous chemical synthesis, designing safer chemicals, safe solvent and auxiliaries design for energy efficiency, use of renewable feed stocks, reduce derivatives. catalysis, design for degradation, real-time pollution prevention and safer chemistry for accident prevention, a 36 multiple choice objective questions which was well validated and had a reliability co-efficient of 0.92 were administered to the students in the two groups before and after the application of the teaching strategies on the two groups. Mean, standard deviation and ANCOVA were the statistical tools used for data analysis. The result of the study reveals that students in the experimental group i.e. guided inquiry group did significantly better than their counter part in the control group i.e. discussion method group. It was also found out that student achievement do not significantly differ on the basis of university type. In addition, degree types (B.Sc./B.Sc.Ed) has significant influence on student achievement in favour of the B.Sc. students. Consequently, it was recommended among others that guided inquiry as a teaching strategy should be adopted by university lectures in delivery their lesson especially in the teaching of concept such as Green Chemistry.
Keywords: Chemistry; Guided inquiry; Academic achievement and Green Chemistry
The teacher is the key man in the educational sector; the quality of the teacher makes or mars the educational sector. Every teacher has a great responsibility to train responsible citizens by moulding the character of youths. According to Ajienka (2019), a teacher is T – Talented, E – Elegant, A – Awesome, C – Charming, H – Helpful, E – Efficient and R – Receptive.