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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue I, January 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Classroom Climate And Student Goal Orientation In English Among College Students.

Dickey O. Mosqueda
Graduate, MAEd in Teaching English, University of Mindanao

IJRISS Call for paper


This study examined the relationship between classroom climate and student goal orientation in English among college students. The study involved 408 freshmen college students from English 101 of UM Panabo Campus. A 40-items questionnaire was administered to the selected respondents. The result of the study showed that the better the condition of the classroom climate, the higher goal orientation of the students in learning English 101. It is suggested that higher goal orientation among students be encouraged despite the desired outcome of this study. Similar studies be conducted to different groups to explore other variables that may have on effect on the goal orientation of students.

Keywords. Classroom Climate; Student goal orientation; Descriptive-correlational method; UM Panabo College

Background of the Study

In Europe, public elementary school came across problems with regards to goal orientation, students’ perceptions of their classroom environments (Tapola & Niemivirta, 2008). In a different study, Grade 8 African-American and Caucasian students were investigated about their goal orientation and found out that African-American students adopted personal mastery and extrinsic goals significantly more frequently than did Caucasian students, suggesting cultural differences in student goal orientation (Freeman et al. as cited by Mucherah, 2008).
In the Philippines, several studies have been undertaken regarding learning motivation which in this study was used to describe the goal orientation of students. As revealed in those studies, learning motivation was seen to play a vital role in either promoting or hampering intercultural communication and language learning (Lucas et al., 2010). However, it is interesting to note that Filipino students included in those studies were motivated to learn the language due to the very nature of the skills which they found interesting and relevant to them.
However, in the local context Lumaday (2004) showed a negative result on learning motivation among college student. She argued that Davao del Norte State College has been complaining about the observed lack of interest among students in their English classes. This is manifested in the poor goal orientation of students as reflected in the instructor’s grading report at the end of every semester.
The researcher found it important to conduct this study, since the same problem is observed to be recurring among students specifically at UM Panabo Campus. Perennial observation in the campus is the explicit inadequacy of the students to present report, oral presentation, inability of a number of students to write good essays inside classroom and towards teachers’ course compliance, improper use of oral and written language, passive unassertive behavior in English discourse and deficiencies of basic English communication skills.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of the study was to determine the significance of the relationship between classroom climate and student goal orientation in English among students. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:
1. What is the condition of classroom climate in English in terms of:
1.1. Interpersonal relationship
1.2. Emotional Intonations and structural aspects of teaching style and classroom organization
1.3. Teacher expectations of students and attitude towards them;
1.4. Level of teacher control
1.5. Disciplinary problems
1.6. The gender and age of the students?
2. What is the level of students goal orientation on terms of:
2.1 Performance goals;
2.2 Learning goals?
3. Is there a significant relationship between classroom climate and student goal orientation?


The null hypothesis of the study was tested at .05 Level of Significance stated that there is no significant relationship between classroom climate and student goal orientation in English.


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