International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue II, February 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186
Muhamad Taufik Hidayat1, Nur Kholis Ismawan2, Rusnilawati3
1,2,3 Department of Elementary School Teacher Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the TPB (Theory of Planned Behavior) based lecture method and the discussion method in improving the knowledge and negative attitudes of elementary school students regarding pornography. This study was a comparative quantitative with a quasi experimental design. This study carried out in Sondakan State Elementary School (SSES) which is located on Sondakan, Surakarta City, Indonesia. The subjects of this study were sixth grade students of SSES (n = 56). The students were divided into two classes. Experiment Class 1 with 26 students, and Experiment Class 2 with 30 students. Based on the data analysis and discussion, the following conclusions can be drawn; (1) TPB-based lecture is more effective than discussion method in increasing knowledge related to pornography of sixth grade students (2) TPB-based lecture is more effective than discussion method in increasing negative attitudes related to pornography of sixth grade students. Theoretical and practical implications of this study are; (1) TPB-based lecture method can provide alternative solution in increasing sixth grade students’ understanding of the dangers of pornography. (2) TPB-based lecture method is more recomended than discussion method for children and early adolescents.
Keywords: attitude, education, elementary school, discussion method, knowledge, pornography, planned behaviour
Early adolescence is the time of puberty, which is the maturity of the structure of the body (pre puberty). This phase occurs in the last one to two years of childhood. Prepubertal is continued with puberty phase and post-puberty phase. Pre-puberty is experienced for approximately three years until the reproductive organs are fully mature (Hurlock 1980).
The process is accompanied by the emergence of several problems for adolescents such as promiscuity. Starting from the uncontrolled interacting with opposite sex, to the accessing pornographic content.
Accesing pornography by adolescents is not a new case around the world including Indonesia. This problem has a very significant impact on the moral and mental decline of adolescents. However, this phenomenon is seen as casuistic cases that do not need to be discussed further (Syuderajat 2017). The number of internet users in Indonesia is always increase including early adolescents. This allows increasing of Indonesian early adolescents to access pornographic contents.
A survey conducted by the National Commission for Child Protection (KPAI) of Indonesia in 2010 revealed that 97% of adolescents had watched pornography contents, 93% claimed to have kissed, 62.7% had intercourse and 21% of adolescents had an abortion (Suyatno 2011). From the data, it can be seen that almost all adolescents in Indonesia have watched pornographic content. This incident often escapes the attention of parents so adolescents are easily indoctrinated by their delusions about sex.
The spread of pornography is not only on the internet media but also through television and printed media. They show striking body parts to make the audience (including early adolescents) interested. This was taken seriously in research on pornography in advertisements. The form of advertisements published in printed media and television is unclear between pornography or art (Syuderajat 2017).
Studies related to the prevention of pornography addiction are still very limited (Madigan et al. 2018). There are also several literature review in the form of an action to cure pornography addiction (Rodda et al. 2018). Based on the description of previous studies, many studies are still needed in relation to the prevention of pornography addiction moreover in elementary schoolers.