International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VIII, Issue VIII, August 2021 | ISSN 2321–2705
Williams A. Ahmed-Gamgum [PhD]
Consultancy Services Unit, Taraba State Polytechnic Suntai, Jalingo Campus, P.O. Box 834, Jalingo Post Code: 660262
Abstract: To some people with the establishment of African Union (AU) as an institution for cooperation and integration, there is cooperation and integration in Africa. This paper set out to examine whether there is full cooperation and integration in Africa. Data was collected from relevant secondary sources like books, and journal articles. Following a cursory examination of the concepts of cooperation and integration in relation to the deep rooted interest of leaders, and politics of domination among States, this paper found and concludes that while there is cooperation, and surface integration in some sectors there is yet to be full political integration. The major difficulty towards achieving full political integration is the deep rooted personal interest of leaders and desire of AU Charter to defend sovereign status of countries. And the paper recommends that leaders and countries should in practice show greater commitment to implementing and achieving the aims and objectives of African Union than pursuing full political integration amidst deep rooted personal interest of African leaders and individual Countries and sub-regional organizations.
Key words: Policy, Politics, Cooperation, Integration, African Union,
Background to the study
The Africa Union (AU) like its predecessor Organization of African Union (OAU) is a continental union. The OAU was established in May 1963 and metamorphosed to African Union in September 9, 1999. Following the formation of OAU its membership fluctuated by way of increase in membership as a result of admission of new member States or decreased in number of member States through suspension of a deviant member State or inability to secure independence from colonialists. The new Union called AU has a motto which states A United and Strong Africa. This Union brings member States together under the name AU to discuss both external and internal challenges to enhance economic growth and political development. AU is composed of 55 Countries; diverse ethnic groups with an estimated population of about 1.3 billion people by 2017 and based on a growth rate of more than 2.5% per annum. (