RSIS International

Da’wah Activities of Jama’at al-Nahda al-Islamiyyah al-Alamiyyah and its contribution to the Development of Islam in Northern Nigeria

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue XII, December 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

 Da’wah Activities of Jama’at al-Nahda al-Islamiyyah al-Alamiyyah and its contribution to the Development of Islam in Northern Nigeria

Muhammad Dayyabu Abdulmumini1, Dr. Aminu Alhaji Bala2
1Department of Islamic Studies, School of Secondary Education (Arts and Social Sciences), Federal College of Education, Katsina, Nigeria
2Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:- In Northern Nigeria there are many religious organizations that are active in Da’wah work. Their impact is felt tremendously through organizing Islamic awareness seminars and preaching toursand building of Islamiyyah schoolsto boost Islamic education of the Muslims’ children and adult literacy needs. They have also built Mosques and Islamic centres for the overall religious needs of the society. This paper will highlight the impact of one of these Da’wah organizations known as Jama’at al-Nahda al-Islamiyyah al-Alamiyyah. The paper will discuss the establishment of the organization, its activities, method of Da’wah (propagation of Islam) towards the spread of Islam and its impact on the overall Educational needs of the Muslims in Northern Nigeria. The methodology adopted in conducting this research is field work and qualitative analysis of data from published and unpublished sources.

Keywords: Religious, Organization, Da’wah and Northern Nigeria


The establishment ofJama’at al-Nahda al-Islamiyyah al-Alamiyyah was conceived by the founder Sheikh Shariff Ibrahim Saleh Alhussaini in 1957 at Maiduguri. It was inspired as a result of the founders’ interest in spreading Islam through the medium of education. This was because Muslims especially in local communities of Borno at that time were hostile to the western model of education to the extent that they resist virtually any form of education that involve the use of class rooms for teaching. The founder took the challenge upon him and moved all around the State to enlighten the local communities about the importance of knowledge. He used Islamic preaching method as the main tool in order to bridge the gap between him and the local communities’ understanding to the message of Islam which began initially with the command for Muslims to acquire knowledge without reference to its type, Islamic or otherwise, and therefore it is not a surprise for Muslims to integrate systems of education to achieve social and religious well-being of any given society.
Having spread this message across many Muslim communities who were at loggerhead with the western style of education in Nigeria, the founder established a model Islamiyyah school, Qur’anic School and a traditional Islamic education school where Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) Tauhīd (Islamic monotheism) Hadith (Tradition of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) etc. are taught to the adults. The model Islamiyyah School system integrates both Western and Islamic education. The Qur’anic School is based on Qur’anic teachings only. The pupils in the model Islamiyyah School came from the local communities and other neighboring communities in Nigeria and even abroad. These pupils were either accommodated in one of the hostels provided by the founder or sent to stay with their relatives who live within the school neighborhood. Elderly people from