RSIS International

Design and Development of “Bamboo Air Sander”

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue XI, November 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

Design and Development of “Bamboo Air Sander”

Dayananda G. K.1, Prof. Dr Rathanraj K. J.2

IJRISS Call for paper

1Design Engineer, Bengaluru – 560 096, Karnataka, India
2B M S College of Engineering, Bengaluru-560019, Karnataka, India

Abstract: – The Invention relates to a sand blasting method using abrasives like sand on a bamboo to remove outer layer. Bamboo is a natural composite material; it has reinforced longitudinal strong fibres which are densely arranged at the outer surface area and freely pin the inner surface area, and at radius volume fraction changes.


Bamboo is most extensively used material within Asia, South America, & Africa. Bamboo is an interesting plant for Europeans and it was like stranger for them before 16th century when introduced for the first time. But for more than thousand years in continents like Asia, South America & Africa bamboo was used in their daily life from buildings to furniture and bridges to foods. In many realms like China, India, Bamboo is widespread in Japan & Korea for painters, poets as an icon of good personality, making evolution, modest and straight [1]
India is one among foremost bamboo producing countries (More than11.4 million hectares) which accounts for coarsely in Asia half of the total area covered. There are different reports on the number of classes and species of bamboos in India. It is a good replacement for wood, it is been ever used as one among the strongest and ancient construction materials. Use full for science and engineering purpose the bamboo has been used into a prolonged variety of items ranging from household related to industrial related applications and creating revenue and jobs. Bamboo adds significantly to the environmental, cost effective and societal improvement.
The Bamboo Air Sanding Machine for obtaining smooth grainy finish proposed with extensive literature survey. The machine is developed and proposed with concept of simple to operate, cost effective and easy for maintenance. This will provide edge for self-employment, increase in productivity of making good quality finish to the Bamboo.
The developed Air sanding machine involves a pressurized Spraying gun and a tank, increased process efficiency to accommodate varied sizes of bamboo from 12.5mm to 5mm. Advanced Air sanding machine or tool manufacturing involves less number of parts and least number of manufacturing processes which has reduced cost of machine to greater extent which make it very affordable with increased batch production.