International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
Do School Facilities in Eswatini Consumer Sciences Supports Quality Education?
Dumisa Celumusa Mabuza, Dlalisile Cynthia Dlamini
Department of Consumer Sciences Education and Community Development, Faculty of Consumer Sciences, University of Eswatini P. O. Luyengo, Eswatini
Abstract: – Education is the anchor of every successful society, this study intended to find out the impact of school facilities on quality education in Eswatini high schools. A strong link exists between the school facilities, the learning process and quality education. A mixed method research design was employed to study Consumer Science teachers’ perceptions school facilities as determinat for quality education in Eswatini. Hence, this article looks at the impact of school facilities on quality education. Random sampling and purposive sampling were used to select respondents for this study. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect quantitative and qualitative data. Means and standard deviations through SPSS were used for data analyses. This article reveals that teachers face challenges in thriving for quality education. The study reveals that improvement of school facilities is key to responding to the challenges faced by teachers in the provision of quality education. Therefore, the ministry of education, businesses, organizations and all involved entities should provide enough funding to improve school facilities leading to better student outcomes of quality education.
Keywords: Quality education, facilities, Impact, Consumer Sciences
Ibrahim et al. (2017) defines school facilities as the material resources provided for staff and students to optimize their productivity in teaching and learning process. The realization that the transfer of knowledge does not only take place in the four walls of the classroom from teacher to students but rather that, learning takes place through discovery, exploration, interaction with the internal and external environment has necessitated the creative and innovative development of teaching and learning facilities that reflect these changes. This is enough evidence that quality education cannot be experienced unless good and adequate school facilities are provided.