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Educational leadership Effectiveness in the Selection and Recruitment of Academic Staff in Secondary Schools in Sokoto State, Nigeria

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue XII, December 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

Educational leadership Effectiveness in the selection and Recruitment of Academic Staff in Secondary Schools in Sokoto State, Nigeria 

Muhammad Wadata Hakimi Phd1, Fauziya Isiya Bakori2, Abubakar Hassan Also3 & Bashar Ibrahim4
1,2,3,4Department of Educational Foundations Department of Adult and Non-formal Education, Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto, Nigeria
3&4French Department, Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:- Leadership in education stand as a yardstick in administration of secondary schools’ education in every state in Nigeria Sokoto state included, this paper looked at the conceptual clarifications of Leadership, leadership styles, effective leader and qualities of good leadership, the researchers also discussed about selection and recruitment of Academic staff in our secondary schools in the state, as well as strategies for recruitment and selection of staff. The researchers concluded that, it is the functions of educational stake Holders, school management and government Solve issues related to selection and recruitment of academic staff in secondary schools in Sokoto state. It was suggested that, there is a need to select educational leaders based on merits, Qualification and commitments articulated by a candidate should be given regard in selecting and Recruitment of academic staff, Government should do away with politics in appointing academic staff and leaders in Schools. Technical Committee should be formed by government with active capacity to monitor and regulate the operations of educational leaders and teachers in Secondary schools in the state and Educational Leaders needs to be transformational by bringing changes that would suit the present educational challenges in the state

Keywords: Educational Leadership, Selection, Recruitment and goals achievement


One of the most significant developments in the field of organizations in recent times is the increasing importance given to human resource. People are vital to organizations as they offer perspectives, values and attributes to organizational life; and when managed effectively, these human traits can be of considerable benefits to the organization. As revealed in Djabatey (2012). this scenario lends credence to the increasing attention being paid to the people’s aspect of organizational wealth: This is so because the development of people, their competencies, and the process development of the total organization are the fulcrum of human resource management Djabatey, 2012). Akin to this development is the contention in National University of Ireland (2016) that the continued growth of the enterprise depends on its ability to recruit and select high quality personnel at all levels. While recruitment is the process of identifying and attracting potential candidates from within and outside an organization to begin evaluating them for future employment, selection begins when the right calibre of candidates are identified.
There is need for Interest in educational leadership in the early part of the 21st century because of the widespread belief that the quality of leadership makes a significant difference to school and student’s out comes. There is also increasing recognition that schools require effective leaders and managers if they are to provide the best possible education for their learners. Schools need trained and committed teachers but they, in-turn, need the leadership of highly effective principals and support from other senior and middle managers for quality outputs from the system. School leaders are under considerable pressure to demonstrate the contribution of their work to school improvement, which has resulted in the creation of a wide range of literature which addresses leadership in the context of school improvement Christopher (2013)