RSIS International

Effectiveness of the Business Environment in Supporting the Implementation of Public-Private Partnership Policies in Tanzania’s Education sector

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue II, February 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Effectiveness of the Business Environment in Supporting the Implementation of Public-Private Partnership Policies in Tanzania’s Education sector

 Robert Mukasa, Cosmas Mnyanyi and Coletha Ngirwa
The Open University of Tanzania, Faculty of Education, P.O. Box 23409, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This study investigated whether the Business Environment is effective in supporting the implementation of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) policies in Education in Tanzania. The study adopted the qualitative research technique whose data collection process included: documentary reviews and interviews. Three (3) semi-structured interviews were conducted involving five (5) officials from the Tanzania National Business Council (TBNC) and Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) officials. Findings indicated TNBC plays a leading Public-Private sector intermediary with the responsibility of coordinating and promoting the Public–Private Dialogue. Based on the TNBC experience, outstanding challenges were related to the negative mindsets on both sides of the Public-Private Dialogue (PPD), the uncoordinated approaches by the major players, and limited advocacy for PPP investment in education. It is therefore recommended that institutions like the TNBC need to increase their advocacy for the PPP policies in education in several ways including increasing the awareness of the PPP policies; increased training and capacity building for the various stakeholders before and after entering their respective PPP contractual obligations; establish information desks to serve as regular and sustainable contact points for the dissemination PPP policy guidelines and protocol.

Keywords: Institutions, Public Private Partnerships, Tanzania National Business Council, PPP in Education, Investment Environment, Business Environment


1.1 Background

This study investigated whether the business environment is effective in supporting the implementation of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) policies in education in Tanzania. At the heart of the Business Environment is the institutional support that involves the Public–Private Intermediaries in promoting the implementation of not only the PPP policies but also PPP projects. The Government of Tanzania (GoT) has emphasised the importance of urgently implementing the policies that foster greater private sector participation in the economy (URT 2016). The GoT has indicated its commitment to carrying out major reforms aimed at promoting good corporate governance and fostering service delivery including education, through the PPP model

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