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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue III, March 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Enhancing Performance of the Building Construction Industry through Quantitative Risk Analysis and Risk Response: A Case of Exchequer Funded Building Construction Projects in Machakos County, Kenya

John Malu Nzioki1, Dr. Mary Nyawira Mwenda2
1MA Project Planning and Management Candidate, University of Nairobi, Kenya
2Lecturer, School of Open and Distance Learning University of Nairobi, Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: In Kenya, the building construction sector has been facing a myriad of challenges leading to project failures. This research study determined how construction projects are influenced by risk management in Machakos County. This research focused on quantitative risk analysis and risk response as the main objectives and its influence on performance of construction projects in Machakos County. This study was guided by uncertainty theory. 585 National Contraction Authority registered contractors were the target population and a sample size of 232. The sample size was calculated from formula taken from Kothari which was representative of the whole population. The study used descriptive research survey design. The data was analysed and presented in frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation were tabulated and analysed from quantitative data. Fishers test was computed to examine the variable relationships. The finding led to the conclusion that quantitative risk analysis and Risk Response had a significance influence on performance of construction Projects by factor [0.412 and 0.271] with (P = 0.000). (P=0.000<0.05) The p<0.005 therefore the null hypothesis was rejected meaning that there was positive relationship between Quantitative Risk Analysis and Risk Response. The study recommends further research to be done in other areas in Kenya in order to establish whether the explored factors can be generalized to influence the performance of construction projects.

Key words: Building Construction Projects, Exchequer Funded Projects, Quantitative Risk analysis, Risk Response


According to (EASH, 2012) construction projects are termed as unpredictable, heterogeneous and enormously complex. Risk management in construction is a process and is very important when executed nicely from imitation stage to completion stage. European Union has faced challenges in health and safety risks related to construction with estimate of 1300 death incidents of construction accidents yearly. Study done by(EASH, 2012), discerned that construction workers are more prone to death through accidents and twice as likely to be injured in comparison to workers in other occupations.

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