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Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Latent Determinants of E-government Adoption: An Evidence from Kenya’s Public Sector

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue III, March 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Latent Determinants of E-government Adoption: An Evidence from Kenya’s Public Sector

Christopher Ogola
Department of Management, School Of Business and Management, Mount Kenya University, Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Recently, e-government has attracted attention of many scholars. This has led to a growing scholarly literature on the importance and the factors that facilitate e-government implementation. However, despite the increased interest in e-government adoption, there is lack of information about the latent factors that affect e-government in the public sector. Most of the research has focused on observable determinants such as availability of resources, training and support. The latent determinants of e-government adoption therefore remain highly unknown in the existing literature. Due to this research gap, this study conducted an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis with an aim of identifying the latent determinants of e-government adoption, with a reference to the Kenya’s public sector. The findings indicated that perceived trust, compatibility, usefulness and satisfaction are the latent determinants that influence e-government adoption in the public sector.

Keywords: Exploratory, Confirmatory, Factor Analysis, Latent Determinants, E-government Adoption Organizational Performance


Many countries are faced with the problem of provision of public services in an efficient and effective way. A report by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2019) revealed that countries around the world are under pressure to improve public sector performance while at the same time containing the ballooning expenditure growth. In the last three decades, the topic of public sector transformation has been one of the central elements of new public management policies (Lubua, 2017).

The emergence of electronic government (e-government) is regarded as one of the modern ways to improve delivery of services in the public sector. The innovations that would have been regarded as science fiction a few years ago are now necessities in the public service, such as the internet, computers, smart phones, global information networks, virtual reality among other applications. According to Organisation of America States (2013), the growth in the adoption of e-government during the recent years has had a significant effect on different characteristics of society by making every day processes simpler and more effective.

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