Factors Affecting Dental Fear and Anxiety in Children: A Cross Sectional Study in Tunisia North Africa

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Factors Affecting Dental Fear and Anxiety in Children: A Cross Sectional Study in Tunisia North Africa

Jazi Imen1, Mhiri Hela2∗, Laarbi Maroua3, Jemmali Badiaa4, Chamli Mohamed Ali5
1Assistant Professor Department Of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty Of Dental Medicine Of Monastir, University Of Monastir, La Rabta Hospital ,Street Jabbari 1007 Tunis , Tunisia
2Resident Department Of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty Of Dental Medicine Of Monastir, University Of Monastir, La Rabta Hospital ,Street Jabbari 1007 Tunis , Tunisia
3Dentist Department Of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty Of Dental Medicine Of Monastir, University Of Monastir, La Rabta Hospital ,Street Jabbari 1007 Tunis , Tunisia
4Professor Department Of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty Of Dental Medicine Of Monastir, University Of Monastir, La Rabta Hospital ,Street Jabbari 1007 Tunis , Tunisia
5Professor Department Of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty Of Dental Medicine Of Monastir, University Of Monastir, La Rabta Hospital ,Street Jabbari 1007 Tunis , Tunisia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8717
Received: 21 June 2023; Accepted: 03 July 2023; Published: 05 August 2023

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract :

Introduction : Anxiety among patients , during dental treatment , remains one of the biggest challenges faced by dentists , considering that it impeds the achievement of clinical procedures . this situation may lead patients to stop their treatment and thus complicates their oral health condition .
Materiels and methods : A cross sectional study was conducted in the department of pediatric dentistery in Tunis from august to september 2017 on a simple of 360 couples ( mother / child ) . the child’s and mother’s level of anxiety were evaluated according to various parameters using 2 fear assessment venham picture test for children and Corah dental anxiety scale for mothers .
Results : 33.9% of children were anxious. a significant relationship between the child’s anxiety and the child’s age (p=0.01) and gender (p=0.031) was found , on the other hand 57.1% of mothers who feel that their children are afraid of the dentist are anxious.
Conclusions : During children’s dental care , anxiety has always been one of the biggest obstacles encountered by specialits in pediatric dentistery . it is important to care about this symptom to develop a good psychological approch with the young patients

Keywords : child , Corah dental anxiety scale , mother ,pediatric dentistery , psychological care , venham picture test

I. Introduction :

Dental fear in children has been recognized in many countries as a public health problem.(1) the child’s anxiety and fear greatly influence the diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases several studies show that an anxious child does not take care of his oral hygiene(2) The intensity of the anxiety is proportionate with the dental affections. It was reported in a study that poor periodontal hygiene, tooth caries and tooth loss were more common in highly anxious patients when compared to patients with lower levels of dental anxiety(3). the prevalence of dental anxiety in underdeveloped countries, particularly in northern africa and the middle east, has been little studied especially in pediatric population 31.5% suffered from dental anxiety in lebenon in adult population ; 11.4% in Bahrain (4) it is however very important to become familiar with the patient’s anxiety, especially the child’s, before the oral treatment in order to insist on a psychological approach or simply to create links especially as each individual is different.
The purpose of this study is to know the prevalence of anxiety in children aged 5 to 10 years in Tunisia through a sample of the department of pediatric dentistry and prevention in Tunis and to know the factors that can influence this anxiety through the child himself or through his mother.