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Feminist Jurisprudence and Islam in Bangladesh: A Critical Perspective on Some Contemporary Issues

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue VIII, August 2018 | ISSN 2454–6186

Feminist Jurisprudence and Islam in Bangladesh: A Critical Perspective on Some Contemporary Issues

Md. Tuhin Mia

IJRISS Call for paper

Postgraduate Research Assistant
Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah (Faculty) of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

Abstract:-Feminism’s existence in Bangladesh and in Islam is not new phenomena. There are a lot of feminist jurisprudences in Islam which are still unreachable to Bangladeshi women. Since as of modernism, women have been struggling for their equal rights and empowerment which are already enshrined in the Islamic philosophy of life. However, in Bangladesh, some of the women’s jurisprudential rights in Islam were ignored somehow due to social norms and customary legitimacy although this is a Muslim-majority country. It is notable that, Bangladesh is gradually developing women’s rights-related challenges day by day; besides, its overall progress in the country. Some specific rights are very obvious, such as the right to education, political rights, social rights and so on. Yet, there are certain issues regarding women’s rights in Islam that has a negative approach in Bangladesh and they do exist in the country while Islam does not conflict as religious disputes. Some women activists in Bangladesh are claiming that Islam discriminates between male and female in feminism. But it van be argued that Islam has given women rights and empowers them in a unique way. Islam is a religion that is in favor of women’s emancipation in the society. This study will find out those issues with Islamic arrangement, following core principles outlined in the Quran and Hadith in terms of Islamic Jurisprudence of feminism and scholarly opinions of renowned scholars.

Key Words: Feminism, jurisprudence, Equality, Islam, Bangladesh.


Gender politics, currency and social unity, women’s positive statute law is generally a legal rationality and it reviews relevant laws and legitimate ideas and sexual abuses in the family and workplaces that the situation is creating an impact on gender-based segregation. Through different methodologies, women activists have recognized gender differences and gender implications, fair laws and practices. In a very broad sense, the legitimacy of women activists is esteemed by those, who can distinguish between human-controlled societies in all aspects of life whether open or private, legal, political, social.

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