RSIS International

Housing Abandonment in Nigeria Environment

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue X, October 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

 Housing Abandonment in Nigeria Environment

Amakiri-whyte Belema Henry1, Ayagere Selete Ayebaemi2, Aselemi Akeuloghonaan3, Neebee Bonny4
1, 2 &3 Department of Architecture, Kenule Beeson Saro-wiwa Polytechnic Bori Nigeria
4 Department of Urban and Regional Planning Kenule Beeson Saro-wiwa Polytechnic Bori Nigeria
Corresponding Author*

IJRISS Call for paper


Abstract: Abandoned housing projects characterised many urban and suburb zones in developing nations of the world. But the situation seems not to be evident in urban and periphery centres of developed nations. However, this article researched the causes and complications of housing abandonment in Port Harcourt urban environment of Nigeria. The questionnaires method and physical observation were the sources of data in respect of this investigation. While analysis of variance (ANOVA) and standardized coefficient (beta) regression forms the investigation implements. The finding revealed that loss of job opportunities (t =12.221, P=0.001 <0.05) high cost of building materials (t =8.757, P =0.00<0.05), death of housing owner/developer (t = 4.882, P =0.001), flood disaster and litigation (t =8.886, P = .001) insecurity and government policy (t = 4.325, P =.003)are the major causes of housing abandonment. The work continued and released that poor environment quality, depreciation of property value, hazard and hazardous environment, vicinity deterioration, poor spatial appearance) are the significant complications of the scattered housing abandonment at(R =0.863).It’s the opinion of this article that regional government should develop policies geared towards the time border for housing development in all neighbourhoods to liberate the area from serving as a dumping ground for different classes of uncompleted houses that decline the environmental aesthetics and neighbourhood arrangement.

Key words: Housing, Abandonment, Environment, Urban and Nigeria


The Abandonment of various housing or building projects worldwide is triggered by several factors and frustrates spatial ordering of urban structure, land use organization and reduces environmental eminence. The building or housing projects abandonment in urban and suburb areas of the globe (High, Medium and Low Density etc) constitute the spatial ordering of real properties under the developmental process of both public and private sectors. However, the courage to record completion and successful micro or macro housing projects irrespective of the usage has been a priority and target of both government and non-governmental housing developers all-over the globe(Researchers survey 2020).