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Impact Assessment of Roads Infrastructure on Agricultural Productivity in Konshisha Local Government Area of Benue State

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue XI, November 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Impact Assessment of Roads Infrastructure on Agricultural Productivity in Konshisha Local Government Area of Benue State

Fidelia Ngufan Gbenyi1, Omenka, J.I.2, Gaavson, T.2
1Department of Public Administration, Federal Polytechnic Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria
2Department of Political Science, Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This research investigated the state of rural agricultural production and how the infrastructure on ground has helped in improving agricultural sector. Konshisha Local Government which is one of the rural Local Governments areas in Benue State was chosen as the study area. The infrastructural facility assessed based on relationship with agriculture was road network. Descriptive design was used while stratified sampling technique was employed as each ward was considered a stratum. Purposive sampling technique was also adopted based on homogeneity of the population. Data was collected using primary sources which were: researcher’s personal interviews, observations and photographs were also used to support and further explain the observations. The theoretical framework used in this study was the integrated rural development strategy (IRDS). From the survey conducted, the available infrastructural facilities assessed (road network) was in very deplorable state, and therefore incapable of boosting agricultural productivity in the area. Good road network is therefore recommended, especially the revival of the only federal road across Konshisha local government area. When this is fully completed, it will boost the market for farm produce within the local government area, and attract other investors in agro related ventures. Therefore IRDS is suggested to government of Benue State in order to bring the rural Konshisha Local Government Area out of this low agricultural production state.

Keywords: Roads, infrastructure, agriculture, rural development


In Nigeria, several efforts have been made to address the food insecurity challenges, yet none seems to yield any appreciable result. This is because agriculture is growing but the growth is unsustainable. Agriculture also continues to suffer from the inertia associated with policies and programmes intervention and reformation that pervaded Nigeria especially in the post-colonial era (Iwuchukwu and Igbokwe, 2012).

The policy and programme changes undergone by the Nigerian agricultural sector is as a result of or a mere reflection of changes in government or administration (Amalu, 1998). This is because these policies vary only in nomenclature and organizational network.