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Influence of Teachers’ Background Training and Utilization of ICT Facilities on Students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics in Delta Central Senatorial District.

Akhigbe Isaac Imafidon*, Dr. Sunday B. Ijeh
Science Education (Mathematics), Delta State University, Abraka
*Corresponding Author

Received: 22 April 2023; Accepted: 09 May 2023; Published: 04 June 2023

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The study investigated the influence of teachers’ background training and utilization of ICT facilities on students’ academic achievement in mathematics in secondary schools in Delta Central Senatorial District of Delta State. Five research questions and five hypotheses guided the study. The ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. The sample of the study consists of three hundred and thirty (330) SS2 students randomly selected from eight (8) secondary schools from four (4) Local Government Areas in Delta Central Senatorial District of Delta State. The instruments that were used for data collection were the Teachers’ Questionnaire on Background Training and Utilization of ICT and Students’ past results in Mathematics. The face and content validities of the Teachers’ Questionnaire were determined by a panel of three, two science educators from Delta State University and one expert from measurement and evaluation from Delta State University. The researcher determined the reliability of the Teachers’ Questionnaire by administering the instrument to 10 mathematics teachers in a school in Warri South Local Government Area of Delta State that is outside the area of coverage of the study and the data obtained was subjected to Cronbach Alpha. On analysis, a reliability coefficient value of 0.81 was obtained. The data analysed for the study were collected by administering the Questionnaire to the teachers that participated in the study and the students’ past results in mathematics was also collected by the researcher from the Office of the Principal of each selected schools. The Questionnaire along with the students’ achievement scores were analysed using Means, Standard deviations, t-test, Regression Analysis and Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The major findings of this study are summarised as follows; (i) there is a significant difference between the mean achievement scores of mathematics students taught by teachers with background training in Education and those taught by teachers with background training in Pure Science. (ii) there is a significant difference between the mean achievement scores of mathematics students taught with the utilization of ICT facilities and those taught without utilization of ICT facilities. (iii) there is a significant relationship between teachers’ background training and the utilization of ICT facilities in teaching mathematics students. It was concluded that teachers who have background training in education and teachers who utilizes ICT facilities in teaching mathematics influences students’ academic achievement in mathematics positively. Recommendation and suggestion for further study were made based on the findings of the study.

Keywords: Background Training and Utilization of ICT Facilities

I. Introduction

In society, educators are regarded as nation-builders. Their primary duty is to provide education for the next generation in accordance with global needs. Teachers should possess command and grip over the subjects they teach in the class and how to teach it. According to Mateen in Sattar (2019), if a teacher wants to have a grip and command on the subjects, he/she should have training in that subject so that he she may get mastery in these subjects. These are the educators who make significant contributions to the growth of the nation. They are required to pass on cultural norms, customs, and beliefs from one generation to the next. According to Bansal (2007), there is a need to strengthen teacher education. He also emphasized the fundamental characteristics of a profession, including systematic theory, demanding training over a set period of time, authority, community sanction, an ethical code, culture, and the generation of knowledge through research and specialization. Being a competent teacher requires ongoing formal professional training because it fosters personality growth, improves communication abilities, and instils a sense of moral obligation. Through ongoing in-service training, teachers must stay current not just in their area of expertise but also in social and cultural challenges, educational development, and other related fields.