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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VIII, Issue III, March 2023|ISSN 2454-6194

Integration of Advanced Vehicle Monitoring and Alcohol Sensing System for Modern Vehicles to Prevent Road Accident

Abdul Wadud, Md Hossam-E-Haider
Department of Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Military Institute of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Received: 18 February 2023; Revised: 08 March 2023; Accepted: 16 March 2023; Published: 14 April 2023

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract—Road Traffic accident has become a very common issue in Bangladesh. There are several reasons behind those accident. But the most common reasons are unfit vehicle and drunk driver. For that reason, we have developed this project which detects the drunk driver and checks the document like vehicle fitness certificate. We have developed this project based on microcontroller where the microcontroller gets the input from Alcohol and eyeblink sensor. Multiple sensors are installed on the steering wheel and adjacent to the driving seat which can detect the alcohol level from the breath of the driver and monitor the eyeblink. If the level of alcohol crosses a certain level and eyes remain closed for certain time the microcontroller will stop the engine ignition. A document checking algorithm is formulated in the microcontroller which checks the fitness validity of the vehicle. A GSM and a GPS module is also integrated with the system which shares the location of vehicle with related personnel and authority if any anomaly is found. Implementation of this idea in our country, certainly can reduce a large number of vehicle accident due to drunk driver and unfit vehicle and at the same time can increase government revenue.

Keywords – Traffic accident; Arduino Uno; Alcohol sensor; Eye blink sensor; GSM module; GPS module; Document checking algorithm


In recent days the road accident and traffic congestion problem in Bangladesh is increasing in an alarming rate. It has become one of the dangerous arenas almost all the cities in our country. Road accident is an unplanned incident that results in bodily harm to an inanimate or living structure. Particularly in the case of a traffic collision, rapid action is required to stop it or reduce the damage [1]. According to a Bangladesh Road Safety Foundation (RSF) annual report, there were at least 6,284 fatalities and 7,468 injuries on the country’s roads between January and December 2021, compared to 5,431 fatalities and 7,379 injuries in the same period in 2020 [2]. A recent investigation by the Accident Research Institute (ARI) of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) found that every year, on average, 12,000 people lose their lives in traffic accidents, which also cause close to 35,000 injuries [3]. The main reason behind the increased number of accidents is consumption of alcohol and drug which initiates reckless driving, over speeding, overtaking, violating laws, illegal and dangerous competition, and many other factors. Again, the number of highway and traffic police is not sufficient to check all the vehicle documents and driver’s condition. As a result, the number of unregistered vehicles is increasing gradually which leads to fraudulent of government tax, increasing crime and road traffic jam. To minimize these problems the proposed system can be integrated with the vehicles which will check the necessary documents and driver’s alcohol consumption level. The system can also track the location of the vehicle and share with the owner and Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) if any anomaly is found. The system will be controlled by BRTA with secured password. Before every start of a vehicle the system will check the necessary parameters, if found okay only then the engine will ignite.


Number of works have been done on this topic few are stated below. “Arduino based accident prevention and identification system for vehicles” in this work they have combined the ultrasonic sensor for accident prevention with GSM system for remote notification [4]. In another work titled as “Design and implementation of a microcontroller-based driver impairment monitoring system”, they have only monitored the driver condition using alcohol sensor, eye blink sensor and driver blood pressure monitor [5]. In another work named “Drunk and drive controller for vehicles” they only showed how to minimize road accident by preventing drunk and drive using MQ-3 alcohol sensor [6]. In another work titled as “Road accident prevention by detecting drowsiness & ensure safety issues” only driver was monitored by alcohol and eye blink sensor and vehicle monitoring system was not considered [7]. After studying the recent work, we found that is very important to innovate a system which can monitor the driver as well as the vehicle and notify the authority if any anomaly is found. That is why in our system we have integrated multiple sensors to monitor the driver and the vehicle with the GSM and GPS technology for remote notification.

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