Knowledge about Physiotherapy Management for Pregnancy Related Discomforts in Primigravida – A Cross Sectional Survey

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue III, March 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

Knowledge about Physiotherapy Management for Pregnancy Related Discomforts in Primigravida – A Cross Sectional Survey

Kaviya.M1, G.Shravanthi2, Padmasaranya.R3, Vadivelan.K4
1,2,3 Physiotherapist, SRM College of Physiotherapy, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chengalpattu, India
4 Associate Professor , SRM College of Physiotherapy, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chengalpattu, India
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Background: Pregnancy is an important period in a woman’s life, where the mother’s body undergoes many physiological and emotional changes such as low back pain, cramps, ankle swelling, breast tenderness, postural change, difficulty in mobility due to weight gain, emotional behaviours, etc, These discomforts may not be harmful but could be troublesome and the primigravidae finds it more difficult to handle those discomforts. A proper approach to a physiotherapist and participation in antenatal classes encourages the pregnant women to adopt the measures needed to relieve her from the discomforts.
Objective: To find the presence of knowledge about physiotherapy management for pregnancy-related discomforts in primigravidae – a cross-sectional study.
Methodology: According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 30 primigravidae women were included in this study.
Outcome Measures: Self-structured questionnaire was given to the primigravidae after proceeding with the consent form.
Results And Conclusion: Among 30 primigravidae, only 5 women were aware of physiotherapy care. This study concludes that the awareness about physiotherapy management in pregnancy-related discomforts among primigravidae is very low.

Keywords: primigravida, pregnancy, discomforts


“Pregnancy is a normal, natural life event”. It lasts for about 40 weeks of gestation and it can be divided into three trimesters where 1st to 13th week is the first trimester, 14th to 26th week is the second trimester and 27th to 39th or 40th week is considered as the third trimester. During this period, the mother’s body undergoes several changes to adapt herself for the growing foetus that is inside her womb.