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Lifestyle and Diabetes Mellitus in Urban Communities

Cucu Herawati*, Teguh Suryadilaga, Suzana Indragiri, Nuniek Tri Wahyuni, Sputriatin
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Cirebon, Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia
*Corresponding author
Received: 02 July 2023; Revised: 06 July 2023; Accepted: 10 July 2023; Published: 10 August 2023

Abstract: – People with Diabetes can risk heart, stroke, kidney, eye, and nerve complications. Factor risk of Diabetes mellitus caused by factors that cannot change and factored possible risks like style life. Objective study This is For analyzing factor risk style life with diabetes mellitus disease. Type research used survey analytics with a Cross-Sectional. Data collection method with interviews. Population in study This is patients taking care of the road diagnosed with DM in January 2022, with as many as 74 patients. The sampling technique used is Total Sampling data analysis using analysis univariate and bivariate. Research results obtained exist a significant relationship between activity physique (p-value = 0.000) and patterns Eating (p-value = 0.000) with DM disease; meanwhile, No There is a connection between style lifestyle smoke with DM disease (p-value = 0.097). Recommended public pre-elderly can reap style life Healthy life every day with regular physical activity, changing patterns of lousy eating, and stopping smoking from preventing DM disease.

IJRISS Call for paper

Keywords: Physical activity, pattern eating, smoking, Diabetes Mellitus.

I. Introduction

Diabetes Mellitus Disease (DM) is necessary to watch out for because it can attack all classes, ages, and social economy; urban society is more affected by Diabetes Mellitus than rural communities (I Putu ADH, 2021). Indonesia status diabetes alert because occupy 7th place out of 10 countries with high diabetes patients. The 2020 prevalence of Diabetes stands at 6.2 percent, which is significantly more than 10.8 million people who have Diabetes, figures This estimated increase to 16.7 million patients per year in 2045. The factor risk of Diabetes mellitus is most considerably caused by an unhealthy lifestyle (Murtiningsih et al., 2021).
According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), in 2022, around 19.46 million people in Indonesia have Diabetes, an increase of 81.8% compared to 2019. The IDF data positions Indonesia as the country with amount highest number of people with Diabetes, fifth in the world. Indonesia is the only one in Southeast Asia to enter the top 10 countries with the most diabetics (Eva ES, 2022).

The incidence of Diabetes Mellitus at Home Sick AM in 2018, as many as 141 people experienced a decline. In 2019 there were 130 people, and in 2020, patients as many as 125 people due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021, awareness among patients For do control of DM disease started to increase the return with total patients as many as 350 people.
Based on results study previously showing that factor risk of Diabetes Mellitus is age, history of the family, and activities physique. In contrast, type, gender, history of hypertension, and obesity do not relate to the incidence of Diabetes Mellitus (Dewi ES., 2015). Other studies found that the habit eats more risk is five times bigger in pre elderly suffering from Diabetes Mellitus compared habit of eating enough. Activity physique light has a risk of 3 times more considerable on pre elderly suffering from Diabetes Mellitus compared with moderate activity physique. Genetic history owns risk 2.4 times more great suffering from Diabetes Mellitus compared with those that don’t own genetic history (Febri Y, 2018). Objective study This is For analyzing factor risk style life with diabetes mellitus disease.

II. Methodology

Type research used survey analytics with design cross-sectional analysis. Variable free in the study: Physical activity, pattern Eating, and smoking. Where is the variable dependent in the survey. This is diabetes mellitus disease. Population in study This is the whole patient take care road with diabetes diagnosis Mellitus in Disease Poly In House Sick AM in January 2022 as many as 74 patients. The sampling technique used total sampling. Method data collection with the interview. Data analysis using an analysis univariate and analysis bivariate chi-square test.

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