RSIS International

Management of Community Learning Center Program at the Center of Al Ishlah Community Learning Activities Central Jakarta, Indonesia

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Submission Deadline: 05th March 2025
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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume IX, Issue III, March 2022 | ISSN 2321–2705

Management of Community Learning Center Program at the Center of Al Ishlah Community Learning Activities Central Jakarta, Indonesia

Durotul Yatimah1, Eliana Sari2, Karnadi3, Adman4
1,3 Community Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program – State University of Jakarta
2 Education Management Study Program, Postgraduate Program – State University of Jakarta
4 Education Management Study Program, Postgraduate Program – University of Education Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This study aims to find out how to (1) planning; (2) organizing the program; (3) the implementation of the program; and evaluation of the program at Jakarta Pusat This study with a qualitative approach and case study. Based on the results of the study are discussed further found: (1) the management of early childhood programs (PAUD) tendency of good because the management of the program has been effective and efficient with respect to Plan Daily Work (RKH), Weekly Work Plan (RKM), Work Plan and Work Program Semester annual; (2) management of Functional Literacy Education (KF), Educational Equality, Courses and Skills and the TBM, it was limited at the time of submission of the proposal and has not made efforts to manage the programs that are innovative, creative, and thorough; (3) only in the form of coaching overseer monitoring with only motivating, coaching has not been oriented to the development of CLC programs. (4) CLC is expected to be more innovative which oriented to the development of the program and the program not only depend on government aid alone.
Keywords: Program Management, Community Learning Center


Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 article 26 paragraph 1 on the National Education System states that Nonformal Education is held for citizens who need educational services that serve as substitutes, enhancers, and complements of formal education in order to support lifelong education. National Education basically has the goal to develop the potential of learners to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, be noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become democratic and responsible citizens. The center of community learning activities or known as PKBM, is one of the Educational Institutions that was born from thinking about the importance of community position in the process of education development, especially on the path of non-formal education. Therefore, PKBM stands in the midst of people’s lives. PKBM is a meeting place between learning needs and resources, facilitators of meetings between people with learning needs with learning resources so that there is a learning process.