Nanoparticle Betacarotene Formulated in Cetyl Alcohol, Glycerine, Stearic Acid and TEA as Based Cream
Sonlimar Mangunsong1, Mohamad Taswin2, Sarmalina Simamora3 and Bambang Hernawan Nugroho4
1,2,3Health Polytechnic of Palembang
4Islamic University of Indonesia
Received: 19 June 2023; Revised: 27 June 2023; Accepted: 01 July 2023; Published: 13 July 2023
Abstract: The effectiveness cream nanobetacorotene (nanosuspension) had been evaluated. This research aims to ensure which one between nanobetacarotene that was better to be produced as a cream after 28 -day observation. The manufacture of nanoparticles is carried out by the ionic gelation low energy method. The characteristics of the nanoparticles tested include particle size and distribution, zeta potential, nanoparticle morphology, encapsulation efficiency The prepared concentrations betacarotene were 0.1%, 0.3%, and 0.5% with in based cream. Cream tested included pH, homogeneity, spreadly, and testing of irritation during 28 days observation: Nanoparticle preparation produces nano suspension in the form of a clear, some -sticky, and odorless solution. The morphology of particle nanoparticles is in the form of square, rectangular and some around shapes, the average value of particle size 187.5 nm; PI 0,288; potential zeta 10 mV; and encapsulation efficiency was 90%. Findings indicate that 0.5 % of nanobetacarotene were more favorable effective formulated cream. None irritating to arm respondent up to 28 days observation.
Keywords: creams; particle size; potential zeta, nanobetacarotene
I. Introduction
Over the last century, there has been a dramatic change in the nature of therapeutic, biologically active molecules available to treat disease. Therapies have evolved from extracted natural products towards rationally designed biomolecules, including small molecules (Katz and Baltz, 2016). The use of potent drugs which target specific organs, cells or biochemical pathways, necessitates new tools which can enable controlled delivery and dosing of these therapeutics to their biological targets from the macro to nano-scale (Declassian, 2019).
β-Carotene is one of the main carotenoid compounds and is an active compound that contributes significantly to human health, i.e., as a pro-vitamin A, an antioxidant, and an anticancer agent. Unfortunately, β-carotene is unstable to light, heat, and oxygen (Xu et al, 2020; Boon et al, 2010; Aburjai and Nathsheh 2003). To improve the stability of β-carotene, numerous researchers have tried to encapsulate β-carotene in various matrices to produce liquid or solid products that are easier to be handled (Burton at al, 2021). One of the studied due to extracted of betacarotene was doing by Taswin et al, (2021) and Mangunsong et al, (2020).
Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A. It is the pigment responsible for the orange color of carrots and it is found in many other fruits and vegetables. Beta-carotene is a precursor of, and can be synthesized from, vitamin A. Beta-carotene used in cosmetics and personal care products is prepared synthetically or obtained from natural sources. (Bohn et al., 2019, von Lintig 2020). Some of betacarotene has been studied to improve its stability (Liu et al. 2022).