Physics Journal – Call For Papers March 2018

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Engineering Journal

Physics Journal – Call For Papers

International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) welcomes the original research papers and review papers for inclusion in our upcoming issue of Physics Journal. Original papers submitted to this Journal will be regarded as they have not been published and are not under thought for publication somewhere else.  All submission will be reviewed and evaluated based on technical research, relevance, and originality. Physics Journal highly welcomes review and research papers from Aeronomy, Space Physics, Astrophysics, Atomic Physics, Molecular Physics, Biophysics, Condensed Matter, Electromagnetism, Optics, Elementary Particles, Fluid Dynamics, Plasmas, Gravitation, String Theory, Mathematical Physics, Nuclear Physics, Physics Education Research, Quantum Physics, Quantum Computing, Relativity, Cosmology, Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics. All the accepted papers will be published in the upcoming issue of the journal with Online ISSN number of Physics Journal. Call for paper for March 2018.


IJRISS Call for paper

Submission Deadline

Volume / Issue / Month / Year Volume V Issue III March 2018
Initial Submission 26.02.2018 – 25.03.2018
Publication Charges 750 INR


Research Area

The aim of the physics journal is to provide publication of refereed, high-quality papers in all areas of physics. The journal covers following disciplines:

Aeronomy, Space Physics and Astrophysics
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Biophysics, Condensed Matter
Electromagnetism and Optics
Elementary Particles And Fields
Fluid Dynamics, and Plasmas
Gravitation and String Theory

Mathematical Physics
Nuclear Physics
Physics Education Research
Quantum Physics And Quantum Computing
Relativity And Cosmology
Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics