RSIS International

Precision Control of Autonomous Vehicle Under Slip Using Artificial Neural Network

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2021|ISSN 2454-6194

Precision Control of Autonomous Vehicle Under Slip Using Artificial Neural Network

Harbor M.C1, Eneh I. I2, Ebere U.C3
1,2Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria
3Destinet Smart Technologies, Enugu Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This work presents “precision control of autonomous vehicle under slip using artificial neural network”. The work was achieved using FCN LSTM slip dataset, dynamic model of the vehicle, nonlinear slip model, feature extraction model, artificial neural network and simulink. The neural network was trained using back propagation algorithm. The training performance of the neural network was analyzed using a regression analyzer to
evaluate the training validation performance with slip estimation accuracy of 99%.

Keywords: training, testing, artificial neural network, feature extraction, slip


According to [1], over 900 million individuals travel by car all over the world every day. However, despite the importance of this great locomotive invention of mankind, it equally means that over 900 million people stand the risk of accident daily. The evidence is there for all to see in the news, social media, along the highways among others. According to the road traffic accident system (RTA) over 1.2 million deaths and 50 million people are injured every year due to road crash [2] and this has remained a very big problem till date. The main cause of this problem includes the unreliable psychological nature of most driver body condition which when subjected to stress or fatigue affects level of concentration on high ways. Other reasons for accident includes during driving, lack of detailed driving experience, bad roads, weather conditions, faults on the vehicles like bad tyres bursting while on high speed and lots more.
For over fifty years various techniques discussed in [3] have been proposed to combat this road sadness. However despite the success recorded, there is still need for complete vehicle cruise automation. [4] Identified autonomous vehicles with high level of intelligence to sense disturbance, over speeding