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Procurement Process: A Key Component in Service Delivery in Solid Waste Collection under PPP Arrangement

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Procurement Process: A Key Component in Service Delivery in Solid Waste Collection under PPP Arrangement

David Kamau Kariuki
Department of Entrepreneurship, Technology, Leadership and Management, Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology, P.O BOX 62000-00200 NAIROBI, Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: – Public procurement plays a very vital role in any economy. It is a vehicle that ensures that the public receives goods and services from the private sector, and also get value for money. However due to large sums of money involved it is shroud with fraud and corruption, lack of transparency and deliberate bureaucratic procedures (EACC, 2015). This study sought to establish whether procurement process affects service delivery by solid waste collecting firms under Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) arrangement in Nairobi City County (NCC),in Kenya. The study used a census method, where fifty one private companies involved in solid waste collection in NCC, were given questionnaires to answer. The main respondents in these companies were managers or supervisors since they are well equipped with policies, strategies and general operations of these companies. This ensured a reliable source of data. Sanni(2016) observed that procurement process was among the key factors affecting the operation of PPPs in different sectors of the economy. Therefore, this study aimed to establish whether procurement process does affect service delivery by solid waste collecting firms in PPP arrangement in NCC. Procurement process in this study was determined by three key indicators: transparency, political influence and bureaucracy. The results indicate that procurement process had a R2result of .267 or 26.7%, which implies that the independent variable, procurement process can explain up to 26.7% of the total variability in the dependent variable, service delivery by solid waste collecting firms in NCC. The results confirmed the observation by Sanni (2016), that a procurement process is a key operation of PPPs. The results also showed that procurement process has a statistically significant positive influence on service delivery by solid waste collecting firms in NCC(p-value = .000). This is less than the level of significance of 0.05. Therefore, any change in the procurement process would result in .306 times changes in service delivery by solid waste collecting firms in NCC.

Key words: Transparency, political interference, bureaucracy, solid waste, public private partnerships

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