International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue III, March 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705
Proximate, Mineral and Sensory Properties of Plantain–Soy Flour Blends
Gbenga Daniel Abata1, Emmanuel Orimisan Abata 2*, Daniel Babatunde Lene3, Yetunde Omobola Akande4
1,4Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Federal Polytechnic Ede Osun State, Nigeria
2,3Departments of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
*Corresponding author
Abstract:-The study investigated the fortification of food product comprising of plantain flour and soy flour. It also evaluated the proximate, mineral composition and sensory characteristics of the blends with a view to increase the protein quantity and quality of the blends and use soy bean to substitute plantain flour. The blends comprising of plantain-soy flour were in the ratio (100:0, 95:5, 90:10, 85:15, 80:20). The samples were evaluated for proximate analysis (moisture content, crude fat, crude protein, ash content, crude fibre, carbohydrate and the kilocalories), mineral analysis (calcium, phosphorus and iron) using standard method. Sensory evaluation which includes (aroma, extensibility, colour, taste and overall acceptability), and sensory characteristics were evaluated (when reconstituted in hot water) using a 9 point hedonic scale. All data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis. The following result were obtained: moisture content, 11.92%-13.25%, ash content, 0.84%-1.28%, crude fat, 0.20%-0.58%, crude protein 4.50%-6.31%, crude fibre, 0.40%-0.72%, carbohydrate, 78.71% – 81.18%,kcal 343.47-345.41.The result of mineral analysis in (mg/100mg) were as follow: iron content 8.09-18.25, phosphorus content 132.98-170.80, calcium content 102.86 150.03. All the samples were moderate in terms of colour, taste, extensibility, aroma, and overall acceptability except the sample with 80:20 blends that have the highest overall acceptability. It was concluded that 80:20 blend has the highest overall acceptability because of high protein content.
Keywords: fortification, proximate analysis, Sensory evaluation, protein content
The problem of malnutrition is prevalent in Africa most especially in rural communities where starchy foods like wheat, cassava, plantain, yam, rice, etc., are consumed as staple food which has enhanced a deficiency in protein and thereby resulting in protein malnourishment [1]. However, with a key strength in large production of plantain as one of the major starchy crops grown in most Africa countries, it is crystal clear that the people in these regions consume mostly energy rich and protein deficient foods.