Reducing Instability in Power Distribution Network Using Intelligent Control of System Load Frequency Changes

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2022 | ISSN 2454–6194

Reducing Instability in Power Distribution Network Using Intelligent Control of System Load Frequency Changes

Onuoha I.S.1, Alor M.O.2, Ebere U.C.3,
1,2Enugu State University of Science and Technology
3Destinet Smart Technologies, Enugu, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This work presents reducing frequency instability in power distribution network using intelligent control of system load frequency changes. The study reviewed literatures and identified that load changes affects frequency which causes transient instability. Empirical study of the Independence Layout Injection 15MVA Substation was performed from the data collected at Enugu State Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC). From the study it was observed that critical time which are the peak periods are 13:00; 17:00 and 21:00hrs respectively and hence need automatic control. This was achieved using mathematical and structural modeling approach which employed data collection, self defining equations, and neural network, to develop a load frequency controller and then tested with Simulink. The result showed that the controller was able to monitor the load flow in the during the identified peak periods to control the load and hence maintain stable frequency.
Keywords: Frequency Changes, Instability, Power Distribution, Neural Network, Substation, Load
In electric power system certain parameters like current, voltage and frequency can be controlled, while user load cannot be controlled but can be monitored manually by system operators to ensure that the peak load are not allowed to affect the margin and sensitivity of load flow. However most of the time, the load exceed the desired margin without the notice of the system operator, thereby causes transient instability among other problems as a result of load frequency changes. To solve this problem there is need for an intelligent system which monitors this load and ensue they do not exceed the desired limit. This will be achieved in this research using Load Frequency Controller (LFC) (Ashmoe and Battebury, 1974).
According to Bahtti and Hiyama (2009), LFC is the process of controlling real power output of generating units in response to changes in system frequencies and tie-line interchange within specified limit. It is one of the most important control problems in the design and operation of power systems,