RSIS International

Review on Tephorsia Villosa Per A Useful Weed

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue VI, June 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

Review on Tephorsia Villosa Per A Useful Weed

Shambhulingaiah H.M1*, Dr. Deenath Jadhe 2

IJRISS Call for paper

1S C S College of Pharmacy Harapanahalli, Karnataka, India
2SSUTMS Sehore, M P., India
*Corresponding Author

Abstract: Tephrosia  villosa  per a well known plant of India and other part of the world commonly known as “Shevet sharpunakha” in  Indian traditional system, Tephorasia  villosa  a weedy plant native to India grows as common waste land weed and has been used traditionally as folk medicine  in india and other parts of the world for its valuable medicinal properties, but its identity as medicinal plant is not established till date. several  phyto constituents like Flavonoids, Flavones, Retenoids, Saponins  and  Alkaloids etc have been identified  and various research work like Antioxidant, Anti microbial and Anti diabetic properties also  identified from the plant extracts which indicate further scope in isolation and other activates,   in our studies there is a brief explanation about active constituents and pharmacological actions, along with Ethnobatonical  uses of the plant has been discussed.

Keywards: Tephrosia  villosa,  Weed, Folk medicine , Ethnobatonical    Phytoconstituents.


“Sharpunkha” an important ayurvedic drug has been in use for a long time two kinds of   sharpunkha  the shevet (white )and  Raktha (Red) are described in some of the ayruvedic texts like Vaghbhatas “Astang Hridayam”and in Nighantus1. shevet sharpanakha is Tephrosis villosa  due to its persistently villous  like  white part and this view receives the support also from “Shivadatta Nighantu”which mentions “Sharpunkheti vikhya shreepuspha kavachid bhavet”   Genus Tephrosia Pers is a large seasonal pantropic genus of about 400species belongs to family Fabaceae, in india genus Tephrosia Pers is represented by 29 taxa including 27 species  1 variety and 1 sub species out of which 7 taxa are endemic to india maximum taxa of Tephrosia are recorded in presidency of Madras i.e 20 (Gamble,1957)2,

The name is from greek word Tephros meaning ash-coloured, reffering to the grayish tint given to the leaves by their dense hairs.

Genus Tephrosia Pers is characterized by herbs or shrubs leaves stipulate,pinnate,imparipinnate ,rarely simple  Flowers generally in terminals or leaf opposed racemes.calyx lobes subequal, petals  clawed, standard sub orbicular, stamens diadelphous, pods usually linear, flattened, many seeded,continuous or scarcety septate(Hooker 1961) some of the species are cultivated as cover crops, green manures,fish poision and ornamental.