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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue I, January 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Service Quality Of An Educational Institution Office Employees: Basis For a Proposed Training Design

Libh Anthony L. Limama, Fatma M. Idris, Roderick C. Rodriguez, Gladsys B. Ave, & Alberto N. Bandiola
The University of Mindanao, Davao Del Norte, Philippines

IJRISS Call for paper

ABSTRACT: This study aimed to determine the Service Quality of an Educational Institution Office Employees and to propose a training design based on the findings of the study. Convenient sampling technique was used in identifying the 226 respondents. Non-experimental quantitative single-variable research design was used through SERVQUAL model. Google form questionnaires were used in collecting the data. Also, mean and ANOVA techniques were used for statistical tools. Results showed very high level of service quality of Pag-IBIG Fund office employees. Accordingly, the results on service quality such as tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy were on a very high level yet still need for further enhancement as recommended in the study. Moreover, there was significant difference in the service quality of an Educational Institution office employees when analyzed by office divisions in tangibles specifically.

Keywords: public administration, office employees, service quality, training design, Philippines



There have been clamors of poor service deliveries in the public sector. In fact, ever since the inception of the Civil Service Commission’s (CSC) 8888 helpline, various agencies were flooded with complaints which were forwarded directly to the President of the Republic: Social Security System (SSS) in the release of pensions and benefits division; Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the issuance of plates and licenses division; Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG Fund) in the loan grants division; Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) in the processing of papers; and Land Registration Authority (LRA), in the issuance of land titles (Torres, 2017).
Since COVID-19 arrived at the Philippine ground in the first quarter of 2020, national government agencies and local government units’ stability were tested. Due to the massive number of people infected by the virus in a short period of time, government agencies are overwhelmed with the necessary actions resulting in struggles and challenges in terms of providing quality services to the public (Nicomedes, & Avila, 2020).
The service industry plays an increasingly important role in the economy of many countries. In today’s global competitive environment delivering quality service is considered as an essential strategy for success and survival (Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry 1985; Reichheld & Sasser, 1990; Zeithaml, Parasuraman & Berry 1990). Even the public sectors organizations have come under increasing pressure to deliver quality services (Randall & Senior, 1994) and improve efficiencies (Robinson, 2003). Customer needs and expectations are changing when it comes to governmental services and their quality requirements. However, service quality practices in public sector organizations is slow and is further exacerbated by difficulties in measuring outcomes, greater scrutiny from the public and press, a lack of freedom to act in an arbitrary fashion and a requirement for decisions to be based in law (Teicher, Hughes & Dow, 2002).
Incidentally, the researchers have not come across of any study that investigates the service quality of an educational institution office employees that may become basis for training design. This study is therefore urgent so that it could fill-in the gap in the existing literatures. Exploring the factors regarding the existing problems of employees which affect the service delivery of their office may recommend for future office innovations and improvements. Furthermore, the conduct of this study is essential because there is a need to focus on the service quality of an educational institution office employees to find appropriate solutions and suitable resolution where this study dwells into.

Research Objective

This study is intended to determine the service quality of an educational institution office employees and consequently propose a training design based on the findings of the study:
1. To assess the level of service quality of an educational institution office employees in terms of:
1.1 tangibles;
1.2 reliability;
1.3 responsiveness;
1.4 assurance; and
1.5 empathy.
2. To determine the significant difference of service quality when analyzed by office division.
3. To propose a training design based on the findings.
This study will test the stated null hypothesis that there is no significant difference in the service quality of office employees when analyzed by office divisions.

Review of Related Literature

This section provides different concepts, theories and other related materials that offer a clearer structure to this study. The variable is the service quality with indicators such as Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy (Parasuraman, Berry & Zeithaml, 1991). Tangibles (appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel and written materials), reliability (ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately), responsiveness (willingness to help customers and provide prompt service), assurance (knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence), and empathy (caring and individual attention the firm provides its clients). Reliability is considered the vital core of service quality. Other dimensions will matter to clients only if a service is reliable, because those dimensions cannot compensate for unreliable service delivery (Berry, Parasuraman & Zeithaml, 1994).
The following reviews are comprised of various principles and selected literatures about this subject. Several literature and studies were perused and gathered from journal readings which are believed to be relevant to the present study.


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