RSIS International

Short-Term Dehydration Status Based on The Type of Drinking Water Consumed by Workers Exposed to High Temperatures

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Short-Term Dehydration Status Based on The Type of Drinking Water Consumed by Workers Exposed to High Temperatures

Satria Haritsatama1 , Ulfa Nurullita2 , Zoky Abadi Harahap3
1* Student of Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Indonesia
2* Department of Occupational Health and Safety, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Indonesia
3* Department of Environment of Health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Indonesia
Received: 18 May 2023; Accepted: 01 June 2023; Published: 29 June 2023

Background: The process of making tofu in the home industry has the risk of exposing high heat to the environment. This heat comes from the process of boiling soybeans in high temperatures and for a long time. The heat that exposes workers will encourage excessive sweating and cause dehydration. Dehydration is a condition experienced by the body when losing fluids. The body needs fluids containing electrolytes to replace electrolytes lost due to dehydration. For this reason, it is necessary to supplement drinking water to overcome dehydration by choosing drinks that have the potential to reduce dehydration, namely those that have high electrolytes, including mineral water and isotonic beverage. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of the type of drinking water on dehydration status in tofu industry workers. Method: Quasi-experimental with time series design. the sampling technique, used a total of 40 workers using inclusion and exclusion criteria. The provision of mineral water and isotonic beverage were given on different days with a break of one day. Drinking water was given for 3.5 hours of work, with an intensity of 200 ml every 30 minutes. Measurement of dehydration status using urine color standards and subjective complaints of dehydration. Measurement of dehydration status was performed after administration of the intervention. Data analysis used the Friedman test. Results: Dehydration status on pre-treatment, 100% of workers were dehydrated, after giving mineral water as many as 97.2% of workers were dehydrated while after giving isotonic beverage as much as 85.8% were dehydrated. The Friedman test showed a value of p = 0.001. Conclusion: There is a significant effect of the type of water on dehydration status.

IJRISS Call for paper

Keywords: isotonic beverage, mineral water, dehydration status, heat exposure

I. Introduction

Heat stress is one of the main burdens for humans today. One of the heat stresses is generated from production processes in various industries. One industry that produces heat stress is the tofu industry.[1], [2]. Tofu is made from finely ground soybean seeds. The grinding result is then boiled. At the time of boiling soybeans, heat coming from the furnace is needed. This heat travels to the environment, so it is exposed to workers.[1] Due to prolonged and continuous exposure to heat in the workplace, can cause the risk of heat stress in workers.[3], [4] Heat stress can trigger dehydration.[5] Dehydration can cause several health problems such as fatigue, impaired concentration, to a decrease in the level of consciousness.[6]–[9] During long-duration heat exposure, continuous sweating can induce hypovolemia and hyperosmolality because of the hypotonic nature of sweat.[10] The disorders caused by dehydration can be prevented by consuming drinking water in sufficient quantities.[6], [11], [12]
Dehydration is a term which, in clinical use, refers to a deficiency in total body water.[7] The body will be dehydrated when most of the fluid comes out greater than what enters.[13] Body fluids come out faster through urine, sweat to feces. Body fluids will decrease by about 5-10% without activity so body fluid balance needs to be controlled to avoid dehydration. To determine the status of dehydration in the body of workers, one of the parameters used is the color of urine.[14], [15] Many substances can cause urine color to appear abnormal. Cloudy urine may be caused by infection (pyuria), but the most common cause is phosphaturia, in which phosphate crystals precipitate in alkaline urine.[16]
Dehydration can be prevented by consuming enough drinking water. Ensuring the body is hydrated is one effective way to increase productivity and protect occupational health and safety from hot ambient temperatures.[3], [17] To meet the fluid needs of workers can consume mineral water as an element of body cooling with the intensity of drinking water every 30 minutes with a water temperature of 10°C-21°C.[18] In addition, workers also need drinks containing electrolytes to replace lost electrolytes in the body.[19]