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Socio Economic Characteristics and Bio-Security Measures among Fish Farmers in Some Coastal Communities of Rivers State, Nigeria

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VIII, Issue I, January 2021 | ISSN 2321–2705

Socio Economic Characteristics and Bio-Security Measures among Fish Farmers in Some Coastal Communities of Rivers State, Nigeria

George A.D.I1 and Akinrotimi O.A2*
1Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, Rivers State University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
2African Regional Aquaculture Centre/Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, P.M.B 5122, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
*Corresponding author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The socio-economic characteristics and biosecurity measures amongst fish farmers in some coastal communities of Rivers State were assessed. Data was collected randomly from 200 fish farmers by interview and administration of structured questionnaires. Descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages were used to analyze data collected. Results obtained from the study indicated that fish farming were dominated by males (68.50%) and were mostly (48.50%) within the age bracket of 21-40years. Majority of the respondents (70.00%) were educated up to secondary level with 6-10 years experience in fish farming. Most (65.00%) of the farmers in the study area had been trained in fish farming enterprise and they are not full time farmers (42.00%). From the study area, majority (64.50%) of the farmers were fully aware of the biosecurity strategies in aquaculture production. While, a greater proportion (29.00%) of the farmers engaged in cleaning of their environment as a means of biosecurity practices. There was low level of compliance of biosecurity strategies among the fish farmers, with finance (51.00%) as a major constraint. In conclusion, the study observed that the practice of biosecurity measures was not an important issue among the farmers in the study area. It is therefore recommended that financial assistance should be made available to farmers in these communities; so as to enhance their production capacities and bio-security practices compliance.

Key words: Aquaculture, Coastal Communities, Bio-security, Socio-economics, Rivers State


The importance of aquaculture to the socio-economic growth of Nigeria in recent times cannot be overemphasized (Adedeji and Okocha, 2011). It increases the production of animal protein to meet the needs of a fast growing population in the country, it also produces highly priced commodities for export to earn foreign currency, and creates employment opportunities for the young and old (Ayinla, 2007).