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Socio-Economic Impact of Campus Violence on Education: A Case Study of HSTU

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue VI, June 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Socio-Economic Impact of Campus Violence on Education: A Case Study of HSTU

Babor Ahmad1, Dr. A.T.M. Rezaul Haque2
1Department of Economics, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Bangladesh
2Professor of Economics Department, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Bangladesh

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Campus violence and political instability has become a common issue in higher education, especially in the universities of Bangladesh since 1990. The reasons behind this are lack of moral values, conflicts between different groups of students, sometimes between teachers, sexual harassment, ragging, admission business, improper use of power and so on. This violence results a low quality in education and cause a great sufferings to the general students as well as the people living around the campus area. Most of the students feel insecure during the violence and this reduces the reputation of an institution and causes a large finical loss to the university as well as the people. That is why we all should come forward to solve the problems from our own place. This study analyses the economic effect of campus violence on student’s monthly income. The purpose of this study was also to conduct an assessment of the relationship between campus violence and quality of education and it was found that there exists negative relationship between campus violence and political instability with educational attainment. The study was carried out in a public university of Bangladesh named Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU). The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, and regression analysis, using 12.0 version of STATA. Based on the findings, it is found that conflict has an emergence effect on the quality of education, which is directly related to human resource potential development of the country. The study marked it as a problem and includes the recommendation and policy implications to this problem.

Key words: Campus Violence, Political Instability, Sexual Harassment, Ragging, Quality of Education, Policy Implication


Universities are the main suppliers of competent human resources to the country. One of the basic objectives of the universities is to provide the exceedingly talented and skilled human resources for the national development as well as to meet the demand of the labor markets of the country. The challenge ahead in the twenty first century is to devise a system of higher education whose outcome will be social inclusion and social cohesion. The World Bank report indicates that economic gaps between the developed and the developing countries are due to the differences in the higher education facilities available. The Government of Bangladesh has been allocating a major portion of the annual budget to the education sector to increase the literacy rate in Bangladesh. However, it is still considered as low to meet the need. Since the establishment of Bangladesh, every Government has given special attention to this sector.