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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) |Volume IX, Issue X, October 2022|ISSN 2321-2705

Sustainable Development Goals: Lean Entrepreneurship and Green Entrepreneurship

Dr Ovharhe, Orugba Harry (Ph.D)1* and Dr Okolo, Biriyai Samuel (Ph.D)2
1School of Social Development & Occupational Therapy, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
2Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This study investigated the moderating climax of sustainable development goals between the correlates of lean entrepreneurship and green entrepreneurship. The study adopted correlation design, cross-sectional cohort design and ex-post facto design. The study used non-proportionate stratified random sampling technique, purposive sampling technique and multi-stage cluster random sampling technique. Cohort of entrepreneurs was selected for the authenticity of the study. A total population of 320 and sample size of 175 was determined using Krejcie and Morgan Table at 0.05 level of significance. 175 copies of questionnaire were administered, only 162 were deem fit after processing, retriever, coding and cleansing of data. The instruments were validated with experts of entrepreneurship, also using various approach to authenticate the reliability, the outcome was Spearman-Brown equal length is 0.964 (96.40%) and Guttman Split-Half Coefficient is 95.10 (0.951). Three research questions and three hypotheses were raised which was tested with OLSM, logistic regression analysis and KMO/Barllet’s test for the sampling adequacy on data appropriateness and sphericity respectively via SPSS 25 version. From the findings, lean entrepreneurship positively correlates the green innovation and green product. In conclusion, the apriori expectations were found to be positive outcomes because of the correlations among the moderating variable, explanatory variable and response variables. Hence, the regression model revealed that the alternate hypotheses were accepted, unlike the null hypotheses. Based on the findings and conclusion, this study contributes to the knowledge that lean thinking is perceived as python to product innovation and green product; more so, the 3Ps people profit and planet are simultaneous with sustainability, survival and success. It could be recommended that lean entrepreneurs should develop and design an analytical framework to synchronized lean thinking principles with green product and innovation. Entrepreneurs should always facilitate continuous improvement on devising green innovation towards the sustainability, survival and success. Additionally, lean entrepreneurship and green entrepreneurship aims should focus on customer care, safety and satisfaction.

Keywords: Lean Entrepreneurship, Lean Culture, Kaizen Culture, Green Entrepreneurship, Lean Thinking, Green Product, Green Innovation, Sustainable Development Goals


The ark of the dynamism from the millennium development goals triumphant to the sustainable development goals pointed to the optimum proficiency and beneficial utilization of the people, planet and profit. However, in the eyes of entrepreneurs are sustainability,

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