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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2022 | ISSN 2454–6194

The Composition and Vegetation Potention Study of Production Forest in Kphp Dampelas Tinombo Area, Pariasanagung Village, Dampelas Sub District of Donggala, Central Sulawesi Province

 Imran Rachman
Management and Conservation Interest, Forestry Study Program, Forestry Faculty, Tadulako University, Soekarno Hatta Street Km. 9 Palu 94118 Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The production forest area in the Dampelas Tinombo KPH (Forest Management Unit is an organization that works at the site level and is expected to be a prerequisite for the implementation of a sustainable and equitable forest management system) area which was included in the area of Parisan Agung Village, Dampelas District which was indicated to be damaged had an area of about 410 Ha, so that a study was needed on the composition and potential of production forest in Parisan Agung Village in order to plan the utilization and development of plantation forests that were aims to provide welfare for people living around forest areas without changing their main function. This research was carried out for 3 months starting from June to September 2018. The location of this research was in a production forest located in the Dampelas Tinombo KPHP Model area which was included in the Parisan Agung Village area, Dampelas sub district of Donggala, Central Sulawesi Province. The composition of forest vegetation types in Parisan Agung Village consisted of 28 types of vegetation. at the tree level in the plot as many as 165 individuals from 25 types of vegetation while the pole level vegetation as many as 140 individuals from 25 types of vegetation, at the sapling level as many as 145 individuals from 28 types of vegetation and seedling level as many as 154 individuals from 28 types of vegetation. While the potential volume of trees in the observation plot was 162.53 m3 from 165 individuals, the type of bayas had the highest volume with 13. 17 m3 and the volume of the pole level in the observation plot was 17.89 m3 from 140 individuals, the prupuk species had a volume of 17.89 m3. the largest with 1.63 m3.

Keywords: composition of vegetation types, Parisan Village


Forests as a national development capital have real benefits for the life and livelihood of the Indonesian people, both ecologically, socio-culturally and economically, in a balanced and dynamic manner. For this reason, forests must be managed and managed, protected and used sustainably for the welfare of the Indonesian people, both present and future generations.

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