International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VII, July 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
The Contributions of Justice Umar Ibrahim in Contending the Social Depression in Nigeria
Dr. Ahmad Liman, Dr. Muhammad Umar Musa
Department of Arabic, Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, UsmanuDanfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
Abstract:-This paper titled: The contributions of Justice Umar Ibrahim in contending the social depression is trying to highlight the role played by Justice Umar Ibrahim in eradicating social depression which dominate some people in Nigerian society, more especially some Muslims who claims asceticism saying that working hard for making money or rising and developing economy is a kind of verity and pride and the decoration of this world, they think that making many keep back the servant from his God almighty and it will prevent them from interring Faradize, the orations without any doubt explains the misconceived by some people in developing economy.
Keywords: The Contributions, Justice, Umar Ibrahim, Contending, and Social Depression In Nigeria
This paper titled: The contributions of Justice Umar Ibrahim, in contending the social depression in Nigeria, is trying to impact some lessons to our society in order to change their bad behaviors which push them to remain on their beds sleeping, and steel thinking that working had for generating wealth will make them busy to worship almighty God fully. They also think that generating money will not allow their souls to remain in rest when they died and got into their graves, as we will see in the he tried to show that Islamically thinks are not like that, because you can see good people among reach ones as well as you can see bad among poors. So this paper want study the situation of this category of people and deliver his sermon to be a clear advice to shun away from such behaviors and join their hands with the society to work very hard for developing our economy and get escape from stagnation and recession.
The paper is discussing the following items:
– Brief biographical background of Justice Umar Ibrahim.
– The meaning of stagnation and recessionand differences between the two.
– Presenting the oration
– Conclusion
– List of reference.