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The Effect of Work Life Balance on Millennial Generation Turn Over Intention in the Woodworking Industry

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue VI, June 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Effect of Work Life Balance on Millennial Generation Turn Over Intention in the Woodworking Industry

Siti Isnatun1, Setyo Riyanto2
1Postgraduate Program Student, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia
2Associate Professor, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The study aims to determine the effect of employee engagement and work life balance on turnover intentions in woodworking companies in the Greater Jakarta area. Turnover intentions are things that are avoided by a company because they have negative consequences such as high employee training costs, less competent employees because they often experience changes and some other losses. The research method used is a quantitative method with data collection using the existing questionnaire data then analyzed using the SPSS application version 21. The results of this study indicate the influence of work life balance on turnover intention of millennial generation employees both individually and simultaneously.

Keywords: Work life balance, turn over intention


Some companies have not implemented work life balance, even though this is very important because as social creatures employees have other lives besides being employees. If these rights are not fulfilled it will be a motivating factor for employees to find new jobs. For example, in a negotiation session for hiring new employees at a financial adviser company, the prospective employee proposed the requirement that he wanted a work life balance because the reason he left the old company was because he was often bothered by his boss after office hours. Then at a tourism event organizer company, many employees leave because they don’t get a work life balance, they want their right not to do work outside office hours.

According to Waspodo, Handayani, Paramita (2013), currently the problem of the high level of turnover intention has become a serious problem for many companies. The negative impact that is felt as a result of the turnover in the company is on the quality and ability to replace employees who leave the company, so it requires time and money

Today, the workforce is dominated by the millennial generation. Millennials are individuals born in the 1982-2000 birth range (Howe & Strauss, 2007). One problem that often occurs in the millennial generation is job hopping, a phenomenon of changing jobs in a short time. This phenomenon has become common practice among millennials for various reasons.

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